20: The Weight of Our Choices

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Sombra's dreams ebbed and flowed on the periphery of consciousness, while Maul's skilled hands set the ship's course, navigating the controls with a deftness born of experience. The horizon expanded before them, Tatooine's arid expanse appearing like a mirage on the edge of possibility.

Within the cocoon of the ship's cockpit, Maul's gaze turned outward, fixing on the distant stars. He was a man marked by his history, both a Sith Lord and a father, bearing the weight of his choices and the shadow of his master's designs.

In the realm of dreams, Sombra's consciousness danced along the threads of her mind, leading her to a reality that transcended the boundaries of the waking world. The dream that unfolded was vivid and surreal, a room constructed from Tatooine's desert sands.

In the heart of this dreamlike oasis stood a boy, his hair radiated a sunlit hue, and his eyes held the serene depths of an unclouded sky. Sombra felt an irresistible draw towards him, her curiosity set ablaze by the scene of him skillfully assembling a droid.

As the boy turned his gaze to meet hers, the dream shifted, and she recognized him as the same boy she had seen beside Qui-Gon Jinn.

"Who are you?" his voice sounded.

Sombra hesitated, her voice carried by the dream winds. "I'm Sombra. I saw you before, but...I'm not sure if this is real. Who are you?"

The boy's uncertainty mirrored her own. "I'm Anakin," he replied. "I'm not sure if this is real either. Dreams can be strange like that. But I remember seeing you too."

Amidst the shifting sands of her dream, Sombra and Anakin found themselves engaged in a fluid conversation. The surroundings began to take form, and Sombra's gaze settled on an unfinished droid nearby.

"Did you build that?" she inquired.

"Yeah, it's C-3PO. I'm putting him together for my Mom." Anakin's words held a touch of pride as he shared his creation with her.

Sombra's curiosity was piqued as they spoke about their respective mechanical companions. She shared stories of her experiences with repairs, intertwining their narratives in a web of shared understanding and camaraderie.

Anakin's curiosity began unfurling like a desert flower. "Are you an angel?" he wondered, painting a realm of ethereal beings residing beyond the stars.

A flush of surprise and amusement colored Sombra's cheeks, her laughter a gentle ripple within the dream's currents. "I'm not an angel, as far as I know. I'm just me," she replied with humility and intrigue.

But Anakin's fascination remained unyielding. "I think you are an angel. How else would you appear in my dreams?"

The dream's currents shifted, Anakin's attention drawn to something unseen by Sombra. "Someone is trying to wake you up. I think you have to leave now. But don't worry, I'll find you in my dreams. I'll see you again, angel."

With a whisper carried on the winds of fate, Sombra's consciousness was gently pulled from the dream's embrace. She awoke to the concerned gaze of her father, Maul, his presence a stabilizing force amid uncertainty. "Little one, are you alright? I felt a disturbance in the Force and came to find you. I've been calling your name for quite a while. What happened?"

Sombra's voice trembled as she recounted the tale of her encounter, of meeting a boy within the dreamscape. Her conviction remained steadfast—this was no ordinary dream, but a tangible connection that spanned the boundaries of their souls.

Maul's expression flickered with intrigue and unease. His understanding of such force-bound connections was rooted in ancient myths and legends. The realization that his daughter possessed a raw and uncharted bond with the Force stirred a complex blend of emotions within him. He had always known Sombra possessed remarkable strength, but the depth of her connection was beyond his comprehension.

"That is... unexpected."

"Papa, what does it mean? Was it real?"

"My child, I promise we will meditate on this when I return. For now, I must complete my mission. Stay on the ship and continue your studies. C-1 has left you data on repulsor lifts and sublight engines. If you finish that and your training, you may watch a holo. I should return in a few hours, little one."

He turned to gather his belongings. Sombra looked at him, confusion giving way to defiance and anger as she realized she was being left behind.

"Wait! Why can't I come with you? Papa, it's not fair! You always let me explore. What planet is this anyway?"

"We're on Tatooine. And before you protest, I acknowledge that you have studied the planet before. However, we're near a settlement where sandstorms, slavers, and Tusken Raiders pose real threats. Not even you can be safe from all of that. You'll stay on the ship."

Sombra seethed with anger as she listened to her father's words. But before she could retort, Maul's menacing growl and icy stare silenced her. "Your Master has given an order, Apprentice. Obey it or suffer the consequences," he snarled.

Without allowing any room for further discussion, he turned and walked away. As he gathered his robe and lightsaber, he placed a horn necklace around his neck, identical to Sombra's. As he observed the horn, regret pierced through him, recognizing that his prior tone had been too severe. His words were meant to convey his concern for her safety, but his anger and desire for control had tainted them. Letting out a deep sigh, he faced his enraged daughter once again.

Seeing her pouting expression, he approached cautiously, lowering himself to meet her gaze. He spoke with a gentler tone, his words sincere as he sought to mend their connection.

"Listen closely, child. Your safety is my number one priority, and I won't let anything happen to you. As your father, it's my responsibility to keep you out of harm's way. Right now, I am on a crucial mission that demands my full attention, and I won't take any risks to your safety while we're on this planet. Therefore, I need you to stay on the ship where you'll be completely safe. Is that clear? I need your word that you'll stay put."

Sombra was still standing there, feeling the weight of her father's words. She hesitated for a moment before finally answering, "Yes, father. I promise."

Maul's face softened into a warm and loving smile as he embraced his daughter, their foreheads touching in a heartfelt moment of connection. "Very well. I'll be back before the suns set. May the Force watch over you, my child."

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