35: Potential

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As the ship descends through Coruscant's atmosphere, Anakin is practically glued to the windows, his eyes wide with wonder and excitement. The bustling cityscape, the towering skyscrapers, and the streams of traffic leave him in awe. His fingers press against the glass as if he could reach out and touch the sprawling metropolis.

Beside him, Sombra is equally excited but stays focused as she responds to the pilot's quiz on landing procedures. Her ability to quickly understand and adapt to new information shines through, and her calm demeanor contrasts with Anakin's boundless enthusiasm. Her years of training have given her a composed confidence that serves her well.

The ship smoothly lands on a landing pad, and the children disembark, stepping onto the bustling world of Coruscant. They follow Padme and the other handmaidens as they enter a transport. The two notice that the Jedi have stayed behind and Qui Gon waves them on.

The children ride in the speeder, Anakin staring at the landscape in awe. Sombra giggles at his stunned face, and she begins telling him all about the planet, silently thanking C-1 for making her focus during lessons. Anakin's eyes shine in admiration and he commits to memory every word she says.

As they arrive at an especially tall building, Padme tells them to wait in a room until someone comes for them. Anakin continues bombarding Sombra with his questions. An hour later, one of the guards tells Anakin and Sombra that they are being summoned to the Jedi Temple. They look at each other, eyes bright with anticipation and the guard drives them to the temple steps.

They meet Qui-Gon, who instructs them to follow him inside. Anakin eagerly follows, his curiosity guiding his every step. Sombra walks alongside him, a mixture of apprehension and determination in her eyes.

As they approach the entrance, its grandeur leaves them speechless. Anakin's eyes widen even further, while Sombra takes in the architecture with reverence. The journey that brought them here has been filled with twists and turns, and now they stand at the threshold of a new chapter in their lives.

Walking through the vast halls of the Jedi Temple, Sombra's attention is momentarily captured by a familiar voice. She turns to find the Kel Dor, Master Plo Koon, approaching them. With a warm smile beneath his mask, he squats to her height. Sombra greets him with the utmost respect, her tone composed. "Hello, Master Plo. It's a pleasure to see you again."

Master Plo Koon's face lights up with recognition and fondness. "Hello again, pup. I am happy to see you as well. We will see each other soon, but I must be on my way." His voice is gentle and after the brief exchange, he continues on his path within the temple.

Obi-Wan, who has been listening to the interaction, is intrigued by her familiarity with the Jedi Master. "Sombra, how is it that you know Master Plo Koon?"

"Oh, see I was on Coruscant just a few days ago and I came here looking for you and Master Qui Gon. I accidentally bumped into Master Plo and he told me you were off planet. Then I went to meditate and he joined me. I really like him. His force signature is relaxing."

Anakin is once again taken aback by the incredible experiences that Sombra has had in her short nine years of life. From her travels to different planets, her encounter with a Sith Lord who turned out to be her father, and now her familiarity with respected Jedi Masters, her life has been far from ordinary.

They arrive at a courtyard and the children instinctively turn towards a tree, out of place among the cityscape.Qui Gon guides them towards it, "Stay here you two. I will come get you when the council is ready. Do you understand?"

The two nod and the Jedi walk away leaving them there. Sitting beside the tree, Sombra senses Anakin's fear and anxiety radiating from him. She reaches out and takes his hand, offering him comfort and support. "Hey, it'll be ok. You're afraid, that's alright. Come, sit here, I'll show you what my father showed me to do. Close your eyes, breathe with me. Reach out into the force and let it flow in you."

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