37: Little Chats

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As they exit the Jedi Council chambers, the four make their way to the landing platform. The two children are left in the company of R2-D2 while the others discuss matters. Anakin is fascinated by the droid's beeps and whistles, but Sombra's attention is elsewhere. She overhears Obi-Wan arguing with Qui-Gon.

"It is not disrespect, Master, it is the truth."

"From your point of view...."

"The children are dangerous...they all sense it. Why can't you?"

"Their fate is uncertain, not dangerous. The Council will decide Anakin and Sombra's future...that should be enough for you. Now get on board!"

Obi's words about them being "dangerous", makes her heart sink. The words strike her deeply, as they come from someone she had hoped to earn respect and understanding from.

Feeling hurt and betrayed, Sombra takes Anakin's hand and leads him onto the ship, joining Padmé and the queen. Her emotions are a mixture of anger, sadness, and confusion. She thought that she and Obi-Wan shared a bond of understanding, but now it seems that he views her as a threat. The weight of the situation and her feelings become heavy on her young shoulders.

Inside the ship, Qui-Gon notices the change in Sombra's demeanor and approaches her. He recognizes the hurt in her eyes and the unease she's feeling. He crouches down to her level, and she and Anakin both express their worries.

"Master Qui-Gon, sir, we do not wish to be a problem."

Qui-Gon's warm chuckle reassures them. "You won't be...I'm not allowed to train you, so I want you both to watch me and be mindful. This situation is unprecedented, and people often reject what they don't understand. Always remember, your focus determines your reality. Stay close to me and you will be safe."

Sombra's heart is eased by Qui-Gon's words. However, she's still hurt by Obi-Wan's view of her. Feeling uncertain and determined, she mustered the courage to confront Obi-Wan about what she overheard. She approaches his door wanting to understand his perspective. "Obi, can I talk to you?" She asks in a whisper.

"Of course, we can talk, I always enjoy our little chats," he says with a chuckle while taking a seat on his cot. "Now tell me, what would you like to talk about, little one?"

Sombras once stoic face tilts up and Obi-Wan sees the tears rimming her eyes. "Are you angry at me Obi? I thought we were friends, we duel and we talk a lot, but... You called us dangerous. You said the council was right not to accept us. Did I do something wrong?"

Obi-Wan listens attentively to her words, realizing the weight of his careless comments. He sighs softly and gently kneels to her eye level, his expression apologetic. "Oh my dear... I am not angry with you at all. I am sorry you heard all of that. I'm just...afraid, I suppose, and it clouded my judgment. I allowed my apprehension to get the best of me and I am eternally sorry for that. I do hope we can continue to be friends, you're just about the best one I have at the moment," he says with a wink. He continues, speaking with warmth and genuine care, "I truly am happy to have met you, little one. And, if all goes well, I hope one day to be your master and guide you through your journey as a Jedi. Would you like that?"

Sombra's face breaks into a charming grin, and her eyes light up. "I'd love that, Obi!" She nods enthusiastically, her trust in Obi-Wan reaffirmed.

Som's curiosity leads her to explore the ship further, and she comes across Padmé along the way. As they chat, Padmé shares the plan for their arrival and how Qui-Gon suggested that Som should dress as a handmaiden to keep her identity secret in case they see her father again.

Padmé guides her to a room where a maroon ensemble is laid out. The clothing is both elegant and practical, fitting the role she's about to play. As Padmé helps her don the outfit, Som takes a moment to admire the rich fabric and intricate design of the jacket and pants. She slips on the knee-high black boots, feeling a sense of readiness for whatever awaits them.

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