Chapter 8

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I woke up in a daze and busting for the loo. I sighed and pushed the covers off of me rubbing my eyes as I slid off the bed. I half closed my eyes trying to preserve some sleepiness and wandered over to the bathroom trying my best to semi see where I was going. I made it to the bathroom and immediately started feeling up the wall for the light switch. As I found it I switched on the bright fluorescents making me squint harder. I closed the door so as to not wake Carlos who was sleeping soundly.

As I finished I switched off the light and crept quietly back into the bed. As I slowly lay down Carlos immediately rolled over toward me and stuck out his arms ushering me to cuddle into him.

"Good morning Mi Amor. You're awake early" he said in a raspy voice not opening his eyes.

"I had to pee lol" I said snuggling into his chest. I felt his chest rumble as he let out a laugh.

As I snuggled in, one of his hands rested on my back, the other playing with my hair.

"What are you up to today?" He asked

"Um nothing much just was going to relax and hang out. I was going to see what the girls were up to. What about you?"

"It's qualifying today"

"That's exciting!"

"Yes" he said chuckling "can I ask something?"


"Did you want to come and watch?"

"Really? You want me to watch?"

"Of course"

"Okay. Yes that sounds great!"

"Perfect. I'll talk to my team to get you in. But for now we sleep some more".

I was too excited to drift off back to sleep. Carlos just invited me to watch him drive. This was so scary but exciting.

We lay in bed for a couple more hours before Carlos's alarm went off. He groaned before rolling over turning it off. "I need to get ready and go Mi Amore but I'll have my team call and give you the details to get in okay?" He said looking down at me.

I nodded and rolled out of bed. I quickly changed into some clothes and packed up my stuff heading for the door. I said goodbye to Carlos and headed out. I said I would meet him before qualifying started but I was getting coffee with Lottie first so I would head over after that. I headed down the hall to the elevator and got off on my floor. I wandered in to my room and dropped my bag on the floor. I instantly did a happy dance and couldn't believe what was happening.

I went into my suitcase and picked a fresh outfit and then went for a shower. I did some quick makeup and hair and pulled on my white Stan smiths. I decided on a white t-shirt, navy blue and white pin striped suite pants with a matching jacket. I grabbed my bag and headed down to one of the local cafes to meet Lottie.

We chatted for a couple hours and talked about everything! Honestly I was really blessed to have met her. She was absolutely amazing and I'm glad our friendship blossomed into more of a personal one instead of just a work one. I told her I was nervous about being at the Grand Prix. She told me to text her everything that was happening. She wanted to know all the gossip!

I laughed and gave her a hug as I headed out. I text Carlos and let him know I was on my way. I hopped on a tram and rode it to Albert Park. As I got off I called Penelope from Carlos's team. I let her know I was out the front of gate one and she let me know she would come and grab me. A small blonde haired woman looking to be in her mid twenties walked quickly over to security. She pointed to me and he asked me over.

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