Chapter 65

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"Hey did you need any help moving tomorrow?" Lainey asked taking a bite out of her apple.

"Yeah that would be great if you could lend a hand" I said smiling looking over at her over the top of my glasses.

"Yeah sure. My husband has a Ute if you need?" She asked.

"Yeah that would be good. I just have the stuff at my friends house that needs to be moved. The movers will bring everything else from storage" I said biting on the pen I was using.

"Yeah sounds good. How does 9am sound?"

"Yeah that sounds good" I said smiling before returning to my emails.

I was slightly nervous for Lainey to be helping me move tomorrow. After all she was going to be meeting Lewis and Carlos who had kindly offered to help me move. Although Carlos didn't really offer more so told me he would be helping me move. He didn't want anyone to help; wanted to show me he could do it all but I insisted we have help to make it go faster.

I quickly finished up my work for the day before packing up and heading home early. I said goodbye to Lainey and told her I was excited to meet her husband. She told me that he may be a little grumpy on account of the fact that he was a police officer and currently working nights so wouldn't finish until 3am tomorrow morning. I told her it was fine before saying good bye to everyone.

I eventually made it back home to Lewis's place and wandered in. Lights were off and Roscoe hadn't come to greet me so I assumed they were out for the evening. I texted Carlos and let him know that I was home and he was right to come over. I hung up my bag and coat kicking off my shoes and leaving them at the door. I wandered into the kitchen for a glass of water before trudging to the bathroom to wash off the day.

Carlos arrived swiftly after and headed straight for the kitchen to make dinner. He was kind enough to make something vegan so that Lewis had something to eat.

"Hey" I said pulling out one of the bar stools trying to get his attention.

"Hmmm?" He hummed at me whilst he cut a portion of vegetables.

"So I was talking to Max and-" I said looking at my phone before Carlos cut me off abruptly.

"You're talking to Max?" He said putting the knife down.

"Yeah. We got chatting at the awards night last week and since then we talk every couple of days" I said staring at him with a blank expression.

"About what?" Carlos asked as a serious expression washed over his face.

"Just stuff" I said shrugging "anyway. I told him I was moving and he said he couldn't wait for the house warming" I said laughing.

Carlos huffed.

"Oh don't be jealous" I said laughing rolling my eyes "platonic cariño platonic. Anyway. Looks like I'm having a housewarming now with my boyfriend's friends and my one work friend lol".

He shook his head before continuing to chop up the vegetables. We made light small talk before the door unlocked and Lewis wandered in with Roscoe.

"Smells good" he said smiling wandering into the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Thank you" Carlos said chuffed with himself "I'm making a vegan pesto gnocchi".

"Can't wait" he said smiling before turning to me "you packed and ready?"

"As I'll ever be" I said smiling back at him.

"I'm still sad you're leaving me" he said pouting.

I laughed "I'm only five minutes away".

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