Chapter 24

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Lewis POV

It was race weekend for the Netherland Grand Prix and to say we were all excited was an understatement. I loved being in the Netherlands, there was just something about it that captured me. I rolled out of bed and stretched wandering over to the windows and pulling back the curtains. It was early enough in the morning that the sun was just peaking over the horizon. The air was slightly foggy, morning dew running its way down the glass of the window.

I headed into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I threw on a Nike singlet, Nike shorts and a pair of runners as well as a jacket and headed downstairs to the gym. I decided to work on my Cardio this morning before a long boring day of PR and sitting down with the team to work on our strategies and plans for the race. 

I finished up at the gym and headed back to my room showering and getting ready for the day. Once I finished up, I headed out of my room and downstairs into the lobby of the hotel. As I wandered around I headed toward the restaurant to get some breakfast in.

"Hey Charles" I said wandering over to him whilst he was getting himself a coffee.

"Hey mate" he said patting me on the back "how are you?"

"Yeah good, I'm good man" I stared over at him "How's he doing?"

"Oh yeah, he's a little bit of a wreck at the moment" Charles said before turning around and nodding in the direction of Carlos who sat at a table eating his breakfast intently staring at something on his phone.

"Yeah I figured as much" I said as I waited for my coffee.

"Have you heard from her at all?" Charles asked blowing the steam away from his cup before taking a small sip squinting his eyes.

"Yeah I actually spoke to hear about a week ago, she gave me a call"


"Yeah, she said hi by the way, oh actually specifically her words were 'say hey to Charlie for me would ya?'"

He smiled and acted like someone had given him the worlds biggest compliment.

"I'll have to send her a message. To be honest I am a little scared to do that with her being Carlos's ex girlfriend"

"I think she gets that don't worry" I said patting him on the shoulder. 

I grabbed my coffee off the counter and Charles and I headed over to where Carlos was sitting. At this point Lando had joined him and it was evident he was trying to break him out of whatever mood he was in.

Charles stopped walking and tugged on my arm ushering me to come over to the side of the restaurant. He looked around to see if anyone could hear him.

"What else did she say to you? Anything about the break up?" He asked leaning in.

"She didn't really say much, I don't think she wanted to talk about it too much to be honest. All she told me was that he wanted her to sacrifice her career to be with him and that's not what she wanted at all. She was also pregnant with his baby which was an accident, she wasn't using him".

"Wow" he said staring at me, eyes wide with confusion.


"Well I'll message her today, see how her and the baby are doing"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you"

"What do you mean?" He asked smiling showing a confused look.

I just stared at him with a sympathetic look shaking my head slowly from side to side.

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