Chapter 14

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It was finally here! The day I have been looking forward to has finally come. I had a very very very big day ahead of me. 26 hours of travel and 3 flights. I wasn't sure if I was emotionally prepared for this. I hated flying. It would be a miracle that I made it through this trip. By myself. With a breakdown along the way.

I double checked my bags and locked the zips in. I checked my handbag, wallet, gum, keys, AirPods, sanitiser, moisturiser, paw paw ointment, passport, tissues, charger, kindle. Sorted.

I pulled on my jacket and ordered an Uber. I was really doing this. I was really on my way to a foreign country for a man that i had only known for 6 months now. God I was fucking crazy. Honestly. I was really fucking crazy. I literally couldn't even justify this to myself. Oh god. The things we do for love hey.

I arrived at the international airport and checked my bag in praying to god that my bag would make it through this. I then headed through security and after that hour of a headache I made my way to the gate. I was so nervous I couldn't eat. I decided to put my AirPods in and read my kindle. Hopefully that should make time pass and make me less freaked out.

An hour had passed and I was ready to board. This was it. Flight number 1, Brisbane to Perth. I texted Carlos and let him know I was boarding and would see him in 26 hours lol.

To my surprise the flight was actually fine. But that is also probably because I had a Valium before I got on my flight and boy was I relaxed. Not relaxed enough to miss my flight, but enough to get me through. I quickly got off the plane and headed for my next gate. Flight number 2, Perth to London. This was the longest flight I had to endure.

Halfway through my flight to London I could feel the Valium wearing off. I decided to take one more just to get me through the flight and the next one. Down it went with ease and after 20 minutes I was back to feeling easy breezy.

The flight passed with ease and before I knew it we had touched down in London. I checked my phone, Carlos flooding my texts with emoji's and updating me on what he was doing. I texted him that I was in London and he called immediately.

"Mi Amore you are so close" he practically screamed down the line.

I laughed at his excitement "I know I know. Just one more flight. I've got about 2 hours before I board so I'm going to grab something to eat and then head to the gate".

"Don't fill up on airport food I have something for you when you get here".

I was intrigued but promised I would just have some snacks. I decided on a sandwich and an iced chai latte. I quickly ate and then headed off to my gate. I was too nervous to miss this flight.

The time went quick and before I knew it I was boarding the plane. I was so nervous I thought I might actually spew on the flight. I quickly tried to push those feelings to the side but I was too nervous to contain my excitement. I was hoping this flight would pass quickly because I was desperate to be there already. I decided to listen to some calming music and hopefully drift off to sleep. It thankfully worked and I was out like a light.

I think the anxiety and stress of travelling got to me and I had been out like a light. I woke up suddenly and heard over the speakers that we were making our descent into Spain. I quickly pulled out my compact and tried to fix up my makeup. I rummaged through my bag and found my foundation desperately trying to cover up the fact I had been travelling for 26 fucking hours. I fixed my hair and then grabbed my perfume. I dabbed some on my fingers and blotted it on my neck and wrists. I popped some gum in my mouth and tried to calm myself down but deep inside I was screaming from excitement.

The plane landed and I was nervous to get out of my seat. I grabbed my bag from the overhead locker and shuffled my way out of the plane. I stood to the side and quickly smoothed out my outfit. I took a deep breath and grabbed my suitcase and headed up through the tunnel.

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