Chapter 34

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I woke up the next morning and rolled over to see Vinny who was on his phone.

"Morning chérie" he said smiling before planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Morning" I smiled.

"I'm going to head in about 5 if that's okay?"

Perfect I thought.

I shook my head "that's okay"

"Great. Gotta get home and shower but I do have a shift tonight" he winked.

"I'll have to see what I'm up to later" I'll be on a flight back to London I thought.

He eventually rolled out of bed and chucked his clothes back on. I sat up in bed and watched him somewhat sad that he was leaving but also glad so I could have some time to myself. I also needed to leave in about an hour and a half to meet Lewis so we could head to the race.

He gave me a sweet kiss on my lips before pulling away and whispering good bye. And like that he was gone. I let a giant sigh and feel back on the bed. I decided to stay in bed a little while longer before having to get up and get ready.

I eventually fell back asleep before being woken up by my alarm. I only had 40 minutes to get ready.

"Fuck" I whispered under my breath quickly rushing out of bed and hopping in the shower. I quickly showered, put on a full face of makeup and did my head. I rummaged through my bag and managed to find an outfit. It was a long strappy black linen dress with splits up both legs. I decided to pair it with my white Stan smiths and a jacket.

I grabbed my bag, put my sunnies on my head and quickly headed out the door. Towards the elevator. As the doors opened I was met with a familiar face. Carlos. Seems I couldn't really get away from him anywhere.

"Good morning" he said smiling at me.

"Morning" I mumbled.

"Are you still upset with me?"

"No Carlos. Please" I sighed

"You look lovely today"

"Thank you"  I said readjusting the bag on my shoulder "are you ready for the race?"

"As I'll ever be I guess" he said before the elevator doors opened and we were in the lobby.

We wandered out and I found Lewis standing talking to Lando and Max. I tapped him on the shoulder saying hello to everyone.

"Where have you been I was just about to call" Lewis said hugging me with one arm.

"Sorry slept in" I said laughing.

He smiled at me before we headed off towards the car for the race.

"Busy last night aye" Lewis said smiling cheekily and raising his eyebrows.


"So that's why you and Carlos left early aye?"

"Oh no no no"


"He got me back to the hotel but that's it" I said pulling down my sunglasses.

"Oh that's interesting" he said smiling.

"Shut up" I said playfully pushing his arm. 

Lewis laughed and stared out the window. I stared at him before asking "I have a question"

He turned and looked at me "yeah? What is it?"

"Why are you friends with me?"

He looked taken aback.

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