Break💔 or Make❤️

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Haseena's POV

"Did you guys ever fight or anything like that? Your relationship seems way too perfect to be real," Orhan asked.

"We did, we had petty fights like any other couple here and there, but I think within our whole relationship we've only had two moments where we questioned each other and one was our last year of college," I said holding Karishma's hand tight, "It was hard really, but I'm glad that we made it through because we have the most wonderful and fulfilling life imaginable."

Karu smiled and leaned over giving me a kiss, "I love you."

"I love you, now back to our first ever major argument and issue.

"A break? You wanna go on a break?" I asked sitting beside her on my bed. My parents weren't home right now so having Karishma over was just fine. That'd became my mom's rule after she realized she couldn't get rid of Karishma. As long as she wasn't home or if she didn't have to see her it was fine. "Are you sure? D-did I do something? Do I need to change s-something?" I asked trying to hold it together. This just came out of left field. I thought we were happy together.

"Hase, there's something really important that I want to do. But before I do it, I think we just need to figure out if we're good for each other or if this is some college fling. There's just some things I need to figure out first."

"What? I'm perfectly happy and I know this isn't a college fling Karishma, this is a forever kinda thing. I-I don't want a b-break!"

"Baby," Karishma said and gave me a kiss. "I just want to make sure before I do something crazy."."

"What's crazy enough that you have to go on break from me? What am I supposed to do! How long is this gonna last!?"

"Hase please just give me this break?" Karu asked, giving me a pleading look.

"Fine, we're on a break then. Can you please leave?" I told Karu.

Karu sighed and kissed my forehead. "This'll be good for us. I love you," she said and left quietly.

I let out a scream before I broke down into sobs. What did I do? Did I do something to her? Did she hate me? Was there something wrong with me? Why would she just want a break?

"What the hell is going on in here?" My mom said coming into my room. I had been in here for hours just crying over Karu.

"K-Karu wanted a b-break and I don't know why!?" I cried to her. She came over to me and pulled me to her in a tight hug.

"I told you that girl was trouble," mom said, "who does this to my poor girl."

I just cried to her ignoring her little comments about Karishma. I didn't have the energy to argue with her.

I avoided Karu ever since we went on a break. I was sad and every time I saw her it made it all worse. She seemed so happy with her friends and like she had no care in the world. Maybe I was becoming too much to handle and she needed to just decide if she wanted to leave me or not.

Maybe for Karu this was just a college fling.

"Rumor has it that Karu is dating someone else." Sneha, my friend said sitting beside me at lunch, "I mean what kind of asshole goes on a break just to screw someone."

"I-it's just a rumor," I whispered, "Karu wouldn't do that, would she?"

"I don't know, I just heard she slept with her best friend Ayan."

I was angry to say the least. How dare Karu make us go on some stupid, unneeded break just so he could sleep with Ayan! I got up from my table and stormed over to Karu. I was pissed off and hurt and she just got to do whatever she wanted!

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