Marry Me💞

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Haseena's POV

"What was it like when Mama proposed? Were you happy or scared?" Arya asked.

"Did you want to get married in the first place?" Alia asked right after.

"Over the next like two years it was pretty great, minus our financial struggles and a few things here and there. I mean we always kind of knew we'd get married at some point, but we didn't know when and at times I wasn't so sure about marriage. It was scary and expensive, and I just didn't know if it was worth it at times," I said honestly holding Karishma's hand tight, "I mean your Mama has always been my person and sometimes I knew I didn't need a paper to tell me that, but I really did want to be a Singh. I just didn't know when the best time for us would be to make that big of a step."


I sat on the couch with a sigh, I was bored out of my mind. I'd been working all day and now I was just waiting for Karishma to come home. She was always at work or school and at this rate I felt like I was never going to see her again. Especially since I dropped out. I was either just working all the time or she was.
I missed her, but even when she was around she was acting a little weird. I don't know why, but it felt like she was hiding something from me and I just wanted to know what it was. Was that too much to ask for?

When Karishma did come home she seemed a little nervous. Something was off and considering she wanted to go on a date was a little weird too. We'd usually just sit at home and save as much money as we could. We were too broke to go out. Let alone going to mini golf? That was like twenty bucks for the both of us.

As we played and had our usual banter, but I still noticed her odd behavior. It was cute, but God knows what she was nervous about. Maybe she was finally gonna propose? Nah, I told her we should wait a little bit, so we can do it right and have a proper wedding. We'd get married in time, we just didn't have the money right now and we both knew that.

 We were broke as fuck.

"You ready for me to kick your ass?" I asked as we walked up to the first hole and Karishma rolled her eyes.

"I mean only if you win the right way."

"You mean like I always do," I said giving her a cute smile, "Now Karu be a dear and give me a kiss for good luck."

Karishma grinned and  give me a sweet kiss, pulling me close as she did. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I told her before she pulled away. When we got to the fifth hole, Karishma's demeanour changed. Something was weird about this. I was up first and I went to set my ball down when I noticed something. There was a small velvet box sitting on the tree "What's this?" I asked picking it up and looking over at her.

Karishma smiled and took the box from my hand and got down on one knee in front of me. Oh my God, she was really going to do it. "Haseena Malik, Mi Amor, you've been my best friend and the love of my life for five years now and I would love for it to be like that for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?"

My heart melted at her words, but I nodded quickly my eyes wide, "Yes, yeah holy shit yes!"

"Thank God," Karishma said, her shoulders slumping in relief as she slid the ring onto my finger.

"Did you think I'd say no?" I asked before tackling Karishma to the ground and kissing her.

"I was terrified you were going to say no," she said.

I pulled away, "I would never."

"Good," Karishma said, smiling at me. "I love you." "I love you and I can't believe I get to marry you!" "I can't believe you said yes."

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