I Love you❤️

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"So you got together and then what? I mean when did you say I love you because you guys were pretty young when y'all got together," Orhan said, "Then what?"

"Well it was complicated because we were so young, I was scared and confused," HM said smiling at KS, "Karu told me at Annual Dinner and it honestly scared the shit out of me."


"Would it be okay if I went to Annual Dinner?" HM asked nervously looking down at her hands. "Please mom? I'll be good and I'm just gonna go with friends!"

"No, no way Haseena. You are not going to some grinding session for youngsters. You can stay home." Mrs. Malik answered.

"Mom! Please? I'm twenty and I'm not stupid. I'll even be home before ten or if you let me I'll sleep over at Karishma's too and her parents will make sure we're at her place by ten. I promise, please, please, please let me go! I didn't go last year and I just wanna go at least once!"

"Haseena, no. You're not going."

"Please!" , HM requested.

"No and that's my answer it's final!" Mrs. Malik replied.

"Honey, just let her go. It's fun, you have to let her be adult at some point," HM dad said giving her a small smile. "She's twenty and she's a good kid. She never lets us down."

Mrs. Malik glared at her husband, "She's not going."

HM sighed, "Can I go to Karishma's before you two start to argue again?"

"Be home before ten it's a weekday night," Mr. Malik said with a sigh. HM nodded and quickly left before her mother could yell at her or her father about going to Karishma's house. HM grabbed her skateboard that KS had gotten her for her birthday this past year and started heading to Singh's house. KS had taught HM how to skate after constantly forcing her to go to the skatepark and then HM demanded to learn a little bit.

When HM got to Singh's house she kicked up her board and set it by KS and Mikey's that were on the front porch. HM knocked and wait patiently, playing with her hair.

"Hi Mrs. Singh," HM said smiling as she opened the door, "Is Karishma home?"

Mrs. Singh nodded, "Yeah, she and her friend are upstairs playing video games. Come in."

"Uh thanks," HM said before heading up to KS room. "Karu?" HM called knocking on KS door as she walked in. KS and Ayan was sitting on floor playing a game on xbox. Ks was so cute when she was all concentrated and HM had to resist rolling her eyes when Ayan sent her a quick glare. Ayan didn't like her and HM was sure that he liked her girlfriend. Except, he couldn't have Karishma because Karu was Haseena's and her alone.

"Hey Hase, give me a sec," KS said, not tearing her eyes away from the screen.

"No rush," HM said and sat behind her, her legs on either side of KS then wrapping her arms around KS, "But if you don't win I'm not gonna kiss you." HM whispered resting her chin on KS shoulder.

"That's not fair. You wouldn't kiss me at campus earlier either!" KS explained.

"You said I look boxy in my coat!" HM complained.

"I said everyone looks boxy in coat!" KS tried to pacify her girlfriend.

"And I'm part of that!" HM said complaining again.

"But I wasn't singling you out!"

"You so were!"

"Will you guys stop flirting!?" Ayan said just as he lost the match.

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