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Won't affect the book/Isn't a part of the book, only to keep you guys entertained until I have motivation to make an actual chapter.

Title : Comfort
Characters : Blue & Red
Type : Fluff, Angst?
Song : Things to do - Alex G


It's raining today, Red was sitting in his bed with his blanket over him.

He usually loved the rain, but today wasn't peaceful. Red flinched as the sound of thunder could be heard, he hated thunderstorms.

Red got off his bed; the blanket was still over him, he walked towards his door, turning the handle and walking towards Blues room.

He stood in front of a door, the door had some words carved on it.

Blues room

Red hesitantly knocked on the door, in which Blue opened it; Red immediately hugged him as he heard the thunder.

Blue frowned, patting Reds back before sitting him down on the bed.

" What's wrong? "

Blue asked, tilting his head slightly as he turned towards Red.

" I don't like thunderstorms, it's stupid, I know. "

Red replied, hiding his face in his blanket out of embarrassment.

" It isn't stupid, it's normal for someone to not like thunderstorms. "

Blue reassured, getting off of the bed as he walked towards his plants.

" You can sleep in my room for tonight. "

Blue added, Red nodded as he laid down on the bed, looking at the roof and listening to the rain.

He'd flinch at the occasional thunder, but the peaceful rain that came after it made up for the loud ass thunder.

Red eventually fell asleep, Blue smiled softly as he continued watering his plants.



I apologize if this was cringe, my grammar sucks and I'm also dyslexic 👍

These are not related to the actual book so I won't make them long, and will title them with # 𝖴𝖭𝖱𝖤𝖫𝖠𝖳𝖤𝖣

Also, for the "song" part, it's just a recommendation of a song you should listen to while reading the unrelateds ^^

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