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TITᒪᗴ ;; Frustration and unnecessary tears
ՏOᑎᘜ ;; The Record Player Song - Daisy the Great (Normal version is recommended! BTW, IT'S NOT THE COLLAB VER OF THE SONG!!)

Summary ;; Things aren't going well for Green

Mostly Green angst cuz alot of people hate me for making TSC angst 24/7

(Hopefully you) enjoy‼️



Green yelled, slamming the door closed as he left.
(Did this make sense?)

" What's his problem.. "

Yellow murmured, sighing as he threw himself onto the couch, laying his head on the arm rest.

Blue simply shrugged before walking in front of the couch and sitting down on the floor, since he didn't wanna annoy Yellow by sitting down beside him.


Green stood in front of the door he'd just closed, hating how they were so fucking calm, meanwhile he's frustrated.

That's fine, he'll just go to Second and get some comfort from his bestfriend.

So he walked away from the door, heading towards the stairs as he walked down.

He heard two voices chatting, walking closer as he took a turn, seeing Red and Second laughing and having a fun time together.

It was normal, he shouldn't be upset, that's what friends do. But he couldn't help but feel upset, or jealous? Jealous that he wasn't able to have fun and laugh with HIS best friend.

Second turned his head towards Green he heard footsteps, smiling as he waved at him.

Green simply waved before walking away.

Second thought it was weird since he'd never just go without saying why, but he shrugged it off.

Green probably forgot to say why he was leaving so quickly.


Green mumbled some words under his breath, most of them being him just cursing everyone. He'd curse them a couple of times, before just staying quiet as he walked towards the door to his room.

Holding the handle as he turned it, pushing the door open.

Not even bothering to close the door, he walked over to his bed and laid down.

Resting his head on his pillow as he hugged himself, alone, without anyone to talk to.

Alone in his room.
Was he really alone if he had his thoughts to accompany him?

That was useless to know though, so he pushed that aside.

' Maybe I can just.. Play the guitar? '

He thought, groaning when he realized he'd broken it yesterday.

' What about.. Drums, that could work. '

He added, sitting up before realizing that most of his instruments were downstairs.

And he wasn't in the mood to meet, let alone talk to anyone right now.

So he simply closed his door, ignoring the loud bang it caused as he locked it.

' why the fuck am I angry? '

He thought, his grip on the handle tightening.

' It's not even Yellows fault, it's mine for laughing it off. Why am I the one who's frustrated?- '

Greens eyes started tearing up, turning his back towards the door as he leaned against it.

" It's MY fault, yet I'm acting like it was their fault. They should be the one who's frustrated with me, not the opposite. "

Green whispered, now sitting on the ground as he held his knees close to his chest.

" The fuck am I crying for? Am I this dramatic? "

He added, eventually just breaking down as he hid his face between the space between his knees.

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