Chapter 3-She's Lost all Scents

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  Blanca cut the engine on the ATV. I hopped off and adjusted the tattered backpack that hung on my shoulder.

She threw her leg over the side and slid off after me.

"Look Willa, I know you don't want to tell me what this is about but this— this is dangerous." She crossed her arms and peered into the rapidly darkening tree line behind me, "there could be rogues out there or— wolves from other packs traveling in for the summit. You'll be completely on your own with absolutely no protection."

We were standing on the border of the Sky Hunter Pack lands. Just past those trees was what was known as the buffer zone, a large swath of land that was considered neutral territory. It was an ideal place for me to avoid my pack, but Blanca was right, it wasn't without risk.

She was pacing now, silver blonde hair swirling around her with every move of her head, eyes glowing wildly in the fading light of day. "If Silas finds out I left you out here on your own, he will kill me."

"He won't ever know— because we are not going to tell him." I said firmly.

I wish I could have left her out of this mess, but I needed one person who knew where I was. Just in case...

She was the only one I could trust with this.

"Listen to me Blanca," I said grabbing her arm. I pulled a folded up piece of paper from my bag and held it up in front of her face. "If something happens to me this note will explain that I was out here. You will say I left it in your rooms and that's how you knew where to come looking for me."

I knew what I was asking of her was unfair, unforgivable even. It would go against all of her instincts to lie to Silas and Alaric.

As if she could sense my thoughts she rubbed the moon sworn mark on her forearm. It would only be visible to the two of us, but the magical pact between us would allow her to resist the compulsion to answer the Alpha truthfully —if she were asked direct questions that implicated her in anyway.

I had basically forced it on her, I didn't feel good about that, but if something happened to me I needed to make sure Blanca was protected.

She sighed and worried her bottom lip with her teeth as the sun sank lower on the horizon.

"Take it." I shoved the note at her, pushing her tiny frame along with it. "The sun is setting— you have to go." If she didn't go now she wouldn't make it back before the full moon forced her shift.


          I walked as deep into the woods as I could go. It was getting dark quickly under the leafy canopy and without my wolf sight I was tripping over rocks and brush, but I didn't stop until my calves screamed in protest. Sliding down against a wide redwood trunk, I tilted my head up and stared through the tops of the trees.

The moon would be up soon.

I blew out a ragged breath and reached for my boots. Slowly I pulled them off my feet and laid them next to me. Next came my socks and flannel jacket. Standing up, I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it with the rest. I was shivering uncontrollably now — feeling much colder than I should have. I hesitated for a brief moment before I bent over and peeled off my jeans and panties.

Taking my time I meticulously folded and packed my things into my bag. Even with my dampened perceptions I could sense the moment the forest begin to quite, the hairs on my arms raised up and a trail of goosebumps erupted. It was an eerie and otherworldly sort of quietude that left a deep sense of unease. Even the choirs of cicadas had ceased their blaring symphony. Nature was preparing to watch her rise.

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