Chapter 14- Scents of Duty

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I ran my fingers over my still swollen lips a small smile lingering at the corners of my mouth. I kept my eyes closed wishing I could escape back into my dreams where that smoldering kiss from last night had ignited into so so much more. I willed myself to remain for a moment longer, suspended in that state before wakefulness fully sets in, when dreams still feel more like memories.

In my dream those soft lips of his had left my mouth and scorched a path slowly down my neck. His large capable hands slipping the straps of my dress down as he went; not stopping until my breasts were exposed to him. He'd explored my peaks and valleys, warm lips on bare sensitive skin. The heat of his mouth had followed illicit trails, pushing my desire for him to desperate uncontrollable levels. His hands traveled lower and lower on my body, pulling gently at my gown until his fingers touched my outer thighs. The gentle brush of his fingertips made me tremble as they made their way towards the source of my ache.

On the edge of consciousness my body burned hot and wanting...

"Brrrrrrriiiiing....!" The unwelcome buzz of my alarm sounded loud and angry effectively obliterating the remaining fantasy.

"Noooo," I groaned out, not ready for the sensual images conjured in my sleep to slip away.

The sensations were lost and the heat that had been building was extinguished by my lonely reality. Rolling over I slammed my hand down on the small clock on my bedside table.

"Damn...," I sighed disappointed.

My body was tangled in the sheets, evidence of my restless sleep, and a thin film of perspiration dampened my feverish skin. Sitting up I grabbed at the sheets tugging them from around my legs and stretched, trying to ignore the deep throbbing between my thighs. Last night I had attempted to ease it myself only to be left in tears of frustration when I couldn't find release.

Apparently the mate bond worked similarly to the heat cycle in that regard, requiring a partner.

It makes sense, biologically speaking, I supposed.

I sighed again and ran my hands through my tangled hair. My emotions were almost as jumbled, all tied up in messy knots I couldn't begin to sort out. I had been completely convinced he didn't want me—

But that kiss.

Goddess that kiss had been... I couldn't even begin to describe it. What would have happened if we hadn't been interrupted by his guardian? Would he have gone further? He could have taken me right there in the darkness surrounded by all those other wolves, and in that moment I would have let him. 

I had wanted him to!

Last night, that realization had frightened me. My desire for him to finish what he'd started had become almost unbearable and every intense meeting of our eyes in that crowded room had been like a seductive stroke to my insides.

It had been too much.

I'd snuck away as soon as dinner had finished.

Without warning the large doors to my bedroom slammed open startling me from my thoughts. I shot straight up in bed clutching my sheets to my chest, eyes wide.

Silas barged into my room looking more than a little rumpled, still dressed in his black tuxedo from last night. At the sight of his stormy expression my stomach dipped nervously.

His eyes narrowed on me.

"I've been looking for you." he growled out as he stalked forward.

"Silas it's 7am. I'm in bed. Where else would you expect me to be?" I scoffed.

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