Chapter 20- Scents of a Lover

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Codrin braced his hands against the smooth stone shower wall letting his head hang between his muscular arms. The  scalding hot water beat down on his back, but did nothing to ease the tension there —or elsewhere.

His eyes stared at the floor unseeing, as images of his mate's pleasure replayed in his head.

The hunting party had been tracking the scent of an elk that had crossed over onto Sky Hunter pack lands, when he'd suddenly caught her delicate aroma. His blood lust had collided with bond lust —and after the days of physical distance between them, he had been powerless to fight it. Caught up in the uncontrollable urges her presence had incited, he had peeled off from the pack and followed the scent that truly made him hunger.

He'd startled her when he'd come upon her lost in the task of harvesting the Yarrow. Her sweet, slightly spicy scent, mixed with that of the fragrant flower, had been damn near intoxicating.

He'd shifted quickly when she noticed his presence. Given their last encounter in the woods as human and wolf, he didn't want to frighten her.

—but she had shown no fear.

Instead, she had surprised him with her bold appraisal of his nude body. She'd taken in every inch of his form with those hungry green eyes of hers, and he had felt her gaze as if it had been a physical touch; scorching and intense.

As the memories flooded his head, he clenched his jaw and ground his teeth at the growing ache in his gums —an aching that was nearly equal to the one in his cock.

Her body's reaction to him had been...more than he could resist.

Goddess. She'd been ready for him, slick with lust.

The smell of her arousal faintly clung to his skin even now. His breathes became ragged as he recalled the soft moans that had escaped her as he'd worked the tension from her body. Her soft skin had felt like velvet against his rough hands, and he growled deeply when he remembered the way she'd practically melted at his touch.

Sucking in a sharp breath he pushed himself off the wall to let the stream of water flow over his face and hair. The memories continued to assault him, and he groaned with longing as he heard again the visceral pleasure in her voice when she lost herself for the second time to his caresses, and cried out his name.

Swallowing back his heavy pants, he fought against the beast rising inside him, trying desperately to wrestle it back down.

If only taking himself in hand would ease his own torment.

He grasped blindly for the soap. He needed to wash her scent away if he wanted to regain any semblance of control.

The water began to run cold long before he finally shut it off. He took a deep steadying breath scrubbing his hand over his face. The beast was contained...but just barely. It was there under the surface craving her in every way possible. Reaching for the towel he'd hung on the hook earlier, he stepped out of the large walk-in shower drawing up short when he saw Selene leaning against the bathroom counter.

Codrin barely spared her a glance as he began to dry himself.

"What is it you need Selene." He growled out, annoyed at her intrusion.

"You didn't come to me when you returned," her full red lips formed a playful pout. "I missed your company."

Her implication wasn't lost on him.

It had been wrong of him to give into her that night. His control had slipped and he'd let the beast's primal needs consume him. He had used her —or perhaps they had used each other— but it was becoming clear now she expected for it to continue. He felt fucking guilty about that, but not as guilty as felt over the betrayal of his mate bond.

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