Chapter 6-She Scents Trouble

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          We were so screwed. There was no way we were getting down out of the gallery without having to confront Alaric and Silas, no thanks to the Pricolici Prince. I had however officially drank my way past my give a damn. 

"You really think my heat pheromones gave us away?" Blanca asked.

"It would make sense. He clearly scented us, and judging by the angry daggers Silas keeps shooting up here he can scent us -- or at least you now too, otherwise they would have already sent guardians to check we weren't  a threat."

Laying on our stomachs chins resting on our arms, just like we had when we were kids, we  watched through the rails as the reception continued beneath us. The only difference now was the empty bottle of Silas's Special Reserve Bourbon that sat between us. All the delegates had  arrived and been welcomed. Now, they mingled as champagne and light hors d'oeuvres were passed throughout the hall.

"Hey" --I turned my head to face Blanca--" weren't you supposed to be overseeing this?"

Blanca raised an eyebrow, "I am. Right now."

We both giggled.

I rolled over onto my back to stare into the blackness above. I felt like I was floating in a starless sky as my head swam from the alcohol. "I don't know...  shouldn't" --I swallowed at the knot of uncertainty in my throat-- "shouldn't he want to track me down and and... well you know..."

"Ravish you? Mark you and mate you right where he found you?"

My face heated at her words. "Well, yeah something like that," I replied. "I just always thought the desire for a fated mate, especially a moon mate would be irresistible." Even without all of my wolf instincts the need inside me was becoming increasingly painful. Not to mention the mate bond was burning like hell making it hard to breathe. A deep sexy laugh directly below us had me rolling over and peering back down into the great hall. The prince. I rolled my eyes. Of course that laugh would belong to him. I scowled at the dazzling Selene with her dazzling smile as she stood next to him. "You know what... she's a bitch. I don't like her." I announced.

Blanca looked at me in surprise. Then followed my gaze to the mystic who still clung to the Prince's side. "Willa Grey! I have never heard you talk about someone like that!"  She said with a laugh.

"Sometimes you can just tell... can't you tell? Look at her," I gestured in her direction. "No woman should be that perfect looking. And listen to that tinkling flirty little laugh. 'Oh your highness, I just can't stop batting my eyelashes at your handsome face and every other handsome face in the room," I mocked. "Look at how they all eat it up. There is definitely something not right with her."

Blanca had been listening to my tirade with a shocked expression dancing on her face, but now she was snorting out laughter and I couldn't help but join her in it. Goddess it felt good to just say things out loud for a change. Here, right now, with Blanca it was safe. I was going to need my internal filter back, but for now, it was nice to just say what I thought for once. Our giggling turned to belly laughter and the Prince looked up with displeasure.


We both slapped our hands over our mouths to hide our sniggering. "Do you think he could hear what we said?" I whispered to Blanca once I caught my breath.

"I don't think so. At least I hope not." She whispered back with a grimace.

We tried to stay quieter as the cocktail hour began to wind down. The great hall slowly emptied of guests until only Alaric, Silas, Asher, the Pricolici Prince, Selene and a few guardians remained.

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