Chapter 23 - Scents of Danger

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Dear Goddess that male could kiss.

Out of the stacks of romance novels I had binged on breaks from studying in medical school or read between shifts at the hospital, there wasn't one male lead that could possibly have lived up to the reality that was Codrin Lupescu.

And I was more than ready to test that theory out between the sheets, or perhaps the forest floor —against the walls of the den maybe? While he had most expertly worked the worst of the tension from my body only a few hours ago; temporarily satisfying the deep ache that had tormented me since the mate bond ignited. My insatiable desire for him still remained.

I had a feeling I would never get enough of Codrin.

But here he was, gently pushing me on wobbly legs out of his embrace and setting me an arms length away from him.

My tingling lips let out a wistful sigh. He always seemed to be pulling me in, then pushing me away.

I was tempted to walk back into his arms, grab him by the tie, and pull his lips back to mine. But...his eyes were that swirling eerie red again, and I understood enough to know that meant something —I wasn't sure what it meant exactly, but it felt dangerous.


His chin was down, but his otherworldly eyes watched me from under his dark lashes. His hands braced the desk at the sides of his body, as if he'd read my thoughts, he leaned back stretching out his long muscular legs and crossing one over the other; effectively blocking my path forward.

Then he crossed his arms, fortifying himself completely.

He sucked in a breath through his nose bringing his chin up to level his eyes on mine. He stared at me with so much intensity it stole my breath.

I wouldn't have thought it possible, but somehow, my heart rate ratcheted up even more.

I met his stormy red gaze with a glowing green one of my own. I could feel my wolf burning behind my eyes, I allowed her to stay there, drinking him in right along with me.

When it came to the Prince, we were in agreement.

I held his gaze, chewing at my kiss swollen bottom lip, wondering if he was ever going to break the heavy silence between us. When my tongue darted out to wet my lips his gaze dropped to my mouth and his breath hitched slightly.

The mate bond flared in my chest.

The air between us was thick. It hummed and crackled, begging me to close the space between us. My body tingled with the heat of it, and the hairs on my arms raised as goosebumps broke out over my skin.

"Your eyes are glowing red again," I observed quietly. I desperately needed to break the silence, the tension rolling between us had finally become too much for me to bear.

Seeming mildly surprised by my statement, his eyes flicked back up to mine and his brows drew together.

Codrin narrowed his eyes on me, his deep sexy voice wrapping around me like silk when he finally spoke, "Does it frighten you?"

I considered for a moment. Was I frightened...?

"No." I said honestly.

His face faltered and too many emotions I couldn't quite discern played across it.

Confused by his reaction, I asked hesitantly, "Do.... do  you want me to be frightened?"

His question left his lips on a bitter laugh, "do I want you to be frightened?"

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