Chapter 7- Good Scents

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We drew curious stares from passersby as we made our way silently along the corridors of the den. I dread the gossip that will spread like wildfire, but I'm too distracted by him to think too much on that now. I studied his face from under my lashes, taking in his dark broody brow, chiseled cheek bones, and strong jawline. I was lost for a moment just watching the muscle there dance as he tensed and relaxed his jaw. And—dear goddess —if he didn't have the sexiest mouth I had ever seen. My lips parted, the tension in my body was thrumming at our contact. I felt absolutely feverish with need and was growing more and more desperate for some sort of relief.

Goddess, I feel like I'm going to combust!

I felt a flush in my face and sweat forming on my neck along my hairline.

Maybe...maybe if we weren't touching I could get a grip on myself.

I cleared my throat, "I think we are far enough from Alaric and Silas, I can walk on my own now."

"Yes Codrin," Selene agreed. "Set the poor girl down and let her walk."

I met her snide gaze. I had forgotten she was with us. To my annoyance, she was even more perfect up close.

Codrin looked down at her.

The contemptuous look meant only for me was gone, she smiled sweetly up at him.

I tensed. My wolf's hackles rose, she wanted to claw her beautiful brown eyes out. Twisting my body, I tried to bring my feet to the ground, but his hold on me only tightened.

"Selene..." he said as I pushed against him. I need you to check on Andrei and Elena. Make sure they're settled in comfortably and there is nothing more she needs." Then he added, "please."

The smile formed by Selene's plump red lips wavered slightly before she managed to plaster it back into place. "Of course... right away my Prince."

Her Prince? Inside me my wolf growled low.

She turned to leave us heels clicking off the stone floor and her hips swinging with a little extra sway, certainly an attempt to bring more attention to her perfectly formed ass. I swear the cut of that dress barely covered the top of it. I let myself entertain visions of yanking those shiny dark waves of hers right out of her head as I watched her walk out of view. There really is something about her I don't like. My wolf barked her agreement. I tried once more to shimmy out of Codrin's tight grip, until he looked at me with an arched brow and said in his deep seductive voice, "little wolf... I really need you to stop moving against me like that or I might give all those wolves something they can really gossip about."

I froze instantly. Looking around I noticed another small group quietly whispering among themselves as they watched us.

"I just... I just think it might be better if I walk," I tried again. "It's really not necessary that you carry me all the way, I'm sure I'm getting heavy.", I groaned internally. That was such a dumb thing to say. I wasn't tiny and curvy like Blanca, I was taller, built more lean and straight, but I certainly wasn't heavy enough to be a problem for a wolf his size. In my embarrassment, I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eyes. Awkwardly, I looked everywhere but him. I just hoped he would agree and put me down.

Or did I?

It was getting harder to think straight, my mind and body didn't seem to be communicating at all. My wolf seemed perfectly content in his arms. The truth is he felt good, so good, but the feelings his nearness was stirring in me were unfamiliar and frightening, but also exciting. I didn't feel in control, I needed to find control.

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