Chapter 12-Scents of Occasion

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"What do you think?" Blanca asked chewing her lip, it was a nervous habit she'd possessed since we were children.

I looked around in stunned silence.

The Great Hall, which even on its own was an impressive space, had been transformed into an enchanted woodland scene straight out of a midsummer's night dream.

Massive trees, their weeping branches heavy with glowing fairy lights, dotted the room creating intimate nooks and darkened corners.  A bluish glow from some unseen light source mimicked moon beams falling through the branches casting dreamy light throughout the hall that faded to darkness under the low ceilings below the gallery.

I admired the gorgeous green satin linens and the centerpieces dripping with moss and overflowing with flowering limbs.

It was mesmerizing...

My face broke into a wide smile of delight.

I could barely find the words, "it's...incredible Blanca!"

And it was. Every last detail was perfect.

She clapped her hands together and squeezed me into a tight hug.

"Do you think Silas and Alaric will be happy with it?" Her piercing blue eyes were wide and excited.

I gestured around, "How could they not be, it's magical!"

I watched her with admiration as she took in the result of all her hard work and planning. 

She looked ethereal in the silvery organza gown that hugged her curves, it almost appeared to be spun from ice and perfectly complimented her winterborn looks.

She was beaming.

Relief washed over me at her happy expression, I was glad to see she seemed more herself this evening.

After the confrontation with Codrin this morning we'd both been left pretty shaken and anxious, but I was determined not to let my problems ruin her big night. She had been planning the events for the summit for almost a year, tonight we would celebrate her success.

I squeezed her hand reassuringly, "You out did yourself.. really."

She returned my squeeze, "Thank you so much Willa!"

We stood there for a bit, hand in hand basking in the glow of it all.

When Asher arrived to escort me, Blanca excused herself to check in on the waitstaff.

My momentary sense of calm went with her.

Without Blanca's presence to ground me, a sudden and confusing mix of excitement and trepidation began a slow undulating dance in my stomach.

These sort of large social events had always made me feel nervous and out of place, but knowing Codrin would be here after how angry I had made him this morning made me especially uneasy.

Then there was Selene... would he be here with her?

Despite myself, I hated the idea of it, and jealousy joined the already confusing jumble of emotions tossing in my gut.

My wolf snarled her agreement.

I shook my head trying to clear it of him and took a deep steadying breath.

As the first notes of the string quartet started to drift over the ever growing crowd, I prayed to the Moon Goddess that I could manage to avoid Codrin.

At least for the night.


Within the hour the Blue Moon Ball was well underway.

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