Chapter 22- Scent-i-ments

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The fire in the study blazed bright bathing Willa in a warm orange light that reflected in her shiny brunette hair and danced across her fair skin.

Codrin leaned against the doorway watching her from the shadows.

She was running her graceful fingers along the mantel examining the titles of the books that were stacked haphazardly across its length, then carefully she would rearrange them into neat little stacks.

He cocked his head, an amused smile tugging ever so slightly at the corners of his mouth.

He could only guess at what method she was using to organize his books, but what it said about her... her need for control and order —that he didn't need to guess at.

She had changed into a simple wine colored dress that hugged her slender frame and showed off her long athletic legs.

Codrin found himself pondering if roaming hands would still find her bare skinned under the soft material. The thought made his blood burn and his hands twitch involuntarily.

He silently cursed himself.

It was probably best he not entertain that intrusive and wicked thought if he wanted to maintain his meager composure.

He pushed himself off the doorframe and walked further into the study. She had yet to take notice of his arrival, too engrossed in her perusal of the texts; and with her dampened senses he would have to be standing right next to her in order for her to scent him.

"Little Wolf..." he drawled, his voice deep and rich with his lust. A lust that had burned in him like an eternal flame since the night the mate bond had ignited inside his chest.

Startled, she jumped and spun to face him. The book she'd been holding dropped to the floor with a thud.

"S —sorry." She bent down to retrieve it, the skirt of her dress riding higher up her thighs.

A better male would avert their gaze —but he wasn't a better male.

Burying his twitchy hands in his pockets, He arched his brows suggestively,"back for more so soon?"

Goddess, he could hear the husk in his own voice.

Codrin didn't miss the slight shiver his words elicited from her, as a pretty rosy blush colored her cheeks, "I— um—no—I..."

He chuckled softly.

He really should stop toying with her. He wasn't doing himself any favors. It was the darker side of his nature oozing through —and the beast's depravity was acute.

It called on him to mark and claim their mate, it wanted to take her precious life source into itself; claiming her body, soul, and blood.

And therein lies the problem.

The small smile that had crept onto his face slipped away.

Shaking away the shadowy thoughts that clouded his better judgement, Codrin walked over to the desk and busied the hands that itched to touch her soft skin. He needed to keep a safe distance from her if he wanted to keep hold of his senses. Casually he flipped through some of the documents that had been left for his review. He kept his eyes downward, knowing they were glowing the red of the beast and not the gold of his wolf.

She left her place by the fire making her way towards him. 

He didn't glance up, but he stiffened when he sensed her approach.

She stopped. Watching him cautiously, her green eyes tentative.

"Are you...," her voice faltered. She swallowed, then tried again, "Are you upset I'm here —maybe I shouldn't have come."

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