chapter 1 a strange awakening

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Jaden pov

We see the Endar Spire under attack by a sith battle fleet Trask Ulgo runs to awaken his bunkmate Jaden Darkstar

He ran into the room as Jaden was shaken from his sleep as the Endar Spire shook from being bombarded by ion canons

Jaden quickly got to his feet and Trask Ulgo entered the room with his blaster drawn

Jaden: who the hell are you

Trask: I'm Trask Ulgo I'm your bunkmate here on the Endar Spire we work separate shifts so we've never actually met

Jaden: what is going on

Trask: we've been ambushed by a sith battle fleet we gotta find Bastilla she's the highest ranking officer on Endar Spire

Jaden: well I better get dressed

I quickly got dressed and grabbed my twin vibro blades Trask opened the door way only the next door to be sealed

I hacked the doorway my holo comunitcateer began to glow and a man wearing a orange coat appeared on my communicateer

Carth: the sith are swarming the bridge all hands to the bridge

Trask: that was Carth Onasi if he says we're in trouble we better head to the bridge

We walked out into the hallway and saw sith troops killing a republic soilders

Trask: these are the siths advanced boarding party for the Republic

I unsheathed my vibro blade and clashed blades with the sith troopers

Trask shot one of the sith troopers skull instantly killing him I impaled the second one on my vibro blades I ripped the blades free

Trask: we better use a med pack while we have a chance who knows when we might need them

Jaden: I guess you're right

We made are way through the ship when we came across a group of sith troopers fighting surviving republic soldiers one of the sith troopers threw a frag grenade killing the Republic soilders and one sith trooper

I charged forward slashing through sith troopers as the last of them fell to the floor lifeless I made my way towards the hallway were we saw a jedi face off against a dark jedi

Trask: stay back that's a dark jedi better to let her handle this

Jaden: your probably right but I don't have to like it

A electric electric explosion killed both the jedi and the dark jedi I sighed in annoyance and made my way towards the bridge

Trask: damn we could've really used her help

Jaden: well let's get moving

We ran into the bridge Trask shot a couple of sith troopers through the skull instantly killing them

I got into a short duel with a sith trooper I impaled him through his skull instantly killing him

We made are way towards the next room I noticed Trask walking towards a doorway

Trask: theirs something behind here

Jaden: Trask don't open the door

The doorway opened revealing a dark cloaked figure wielding a double bladed Lightsaber

Trask: another dark jedi I'll try to hold him off you get to the escape pods go

I made a through the ship fighting off sith troopers until holo comunitcateer began to glow and Carth Onasi appeared on my holo comunitcateer

Carth: I've been monitoring you as you made your way through the ship Bastilla escape pod is away I don't know how long I can wait for you so you better hurry

I made my way into the room and I grabbed the two sith troopers and slammed my vibro blades through throats I ripped the blades free

My holo comunitcateer began to glow Carth appeared on it I sighed in annoyance

Carth: their is a squad of sith troopers behind that door you can either reactivate the Droid or spike the computer and explode the power coupling

I spiked the computer and killed the entire sith troopers I made my way towards the escape pod room

Carth: good you made it I thought I was the only survivor

Jaden: let's get the hell out of here

We see the escape pod flying away from the Endar Spire as it exploded and the escape pod crashed on taris and everything went dark

End of chapter 1 a strange awakening

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