chapter 37 the battle for the fate of the galaxy finale

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Jaden pov

I came up a elevator as the doorway swung open I saw my former apprentice standing before me Lightsaber in hand

Jaden: let's end this Darth Malak

Darth Malak: I should've known that the defenses of the star forge wouldn't be enough to kill you now we will fight for the fate of the galaxy

Jaden: now I'm going to show you why I was once your master

Ignited my purple bladed Lightsaber and and Darth Malak ignited his crimson red blade

We clashed back and forth across the room until the room started to shake the roof began to fall down we were knocked down into the exhaust room

I quickly got to my feet and ignited my purple bladed Lightsaber as Malak locked blades with me

I slashed Darth Malak across the gut he jumped back and ran out of the exhaust room I quickly followed him into the middle of the room

Darth Malak: Revan if only you had discovered the true power of the star forge you would've been truly invincible but you were blind and stupid and now I'm going to kill you and finally prove who is really worthy of leading the sith

Jaden: if you want my life Darth Malak come and take it

I launched myself at Darth Malak and we clashed blades I put my hand on my belt and grabbed my crimson red Lightsaber and plunged it into his gut he fell to his knees

Darth Malak: no I can not be beaten I am the dark lord of the sith

Jaden: you were never the truly the dark lord Darth Malak you were merely a pretender holding the throne

Darth Malak: I guess you're right it wasn't my destiny it might of been yours I wonder if destiny had chosen me to be captured by the jedi could I have returned to the light like you have and what if I hadn't joined you on the darkside

Jaden: your fall Darth Malak will forever haunt me but it was your choice alone to go down this path

Darth Malak: you are right Revan and now it ends as i always knew it would in the darkness and now as the darkness takes me I am nothing

Darth Malak fell to the ground lifeless I saw Bastilla waiting for me at the entrance

Jaden: goodbye old friend

We quickly made our way towards the entrance of the hanger and climbed on board the Ebon Hawk and flew out of the star forge as it fell into the sun

We landed our ships on lehan and Admiral Dodona began her speech

Admiral Dodona: as you have saved the galaxy I give you a badge of honor the greatest honor we can give Master Vandar has a few words to say

Master Vandar: I thank you all for everything you have done the story of Revans Redemption will be told for many generations but the threat of the darkside is never over you'll never know when you will be needed to save the galaxy once more such is the fate of the jedi

We climbed aboard the Ebon Hawk and flew out of lehans atmosphere and we jumped into hyperspace

End of Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic Book 1 The Return Of The Prodigal Knight

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