chapter 9 the jedi knight and the republic soilder

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Jaden pov

I made my way towards the hidden becks base I walked I made my way inside

I handed the experimental swoop engine to the hidden becks mechanics

I approached Gadon and he gave me a warm smile

Jaden: I gave the mechanics the experimental swoop engine

Gadon: good then we can proceed I wish you to use the experimental swoop engine

Zeedra: Gadon you can't be serious we need some experience to run that engine

Gadon: the only reason I'm letting him use it is because it's dangerous but if he wants to take the risk I say let him

Jaden: I'll take the risk if it means rescuing Bastilla

Gadon: you can stay here for the night your companions will have to stay somewhere else

Carth: we'll go top side I'll keep mission and Zalabar out of trouble

Mission: were not helpless Carth

Zalabar: well you are a kid

Mission: Zalabar your not helping

Carth: well we will get back to the apartment see you soon

I walked into the hidden becks barracks and layed down and instantly fell asleep

The next morning I made my way towards the entrance of the swoop race

I quickly signed up and made my way towards my swoop bike I climbed inside and the race began I was in the lead I flew across the finish line and made my way towards the Victor's circle

Swoop announcer: Jaden Darkstar has won the race and now he shall receive his prize

Brejik: people hear me before I give the Victor his prize theirs something that you should know the rider cheated he used a experimental swoop engine

Jaden: that's a bloody lie Brejik

Brejik: as such I'm withdrawing the Black Vulkers victory prize

Swoop announcer: you can't do that it gose against thousands of years of tradition

Brejik: I don't care about your traditions old man If I want to sell my slave on the black market I will

Bastilla: I may have something to say about this Brejik

Brejik: no you can't have escaped you were given a neurl disrupter

Bastilla: a jedis mind is never captured

She force pushed Brejik to the ground he quickly got to his feet and drew his blaster pistol

Brejik: kill the swoop rider kill them all

I drew my twin vibro blades and charged at Brejik I felt a strange strength overwhelming me I reached out my hand and Brejik grabbed at his throat He then I crushed my hand and I heard a loud snap

Bastilla: if you think you can take me as a slave your sadly mistaken

Jaden: my name is Jaden Darkstar and I'm here with Carth Onasi to rescue you

Bastilla: Carth Onasi is alive thank the force please take me to him

I bent down and picked up Bastilla double bladed Lightsaber

Jaden: are you forgetting about something

Bastilla: oh yes thank you for finding my Lightsaber

We made our way towards the entrance of the apartment I knew the force had lead me towards my destiny and I couldn't wait to see were it lead me next

End of chapter 9 the jedi knight and the republic soilder

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