chapter 10 visions of the past and a meeting with canadarus ordo

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Jaden pov

I lead Bastilla towards the apartment and she immediately started acting like a spoiled brat much to my annoyance

Carth: Bastilla your alive thank the force your alright

Bastilla: so what's our plan to get off this planet

Carth: we don't have one

Bastilla: what don't have a plan what have you been doing for all this time

Jaden: trying to rescue you remember

Bastilla: ah yes your so called rescue but it seems I rescued myself now that I'm back we'll do things my way

Jaden: I don't think so princess were equal around here

Carth: Jaden is right Bastilla generals don't put down their troops they help them up

Bastilla: your both right I apologize for letting my pride get the best of me

Jaden: well I'm going to get some much needed rest wake me up in a few hours

Carth: don't worry I will sleep well

I layed down and instantly fell asleep I awoke on board a ship I saw Bastilla fighting a masked figure wielding red and purple Lightsabers

Bastilla: you can't win revan

The masked figure I now knew as revan twirled his twin Lightsabers into a defensive stance

Then Suddenly the ship was fired upon by Darth Malek flagship and revan fell to the ground lifeless

I saw Bastilla crawl towards the body I shot up in bed to see Bastilla meditating I quickly got to my feet and sat down beside her

Carth: bad dream again Jaden

Jaden: more like a vision of the past Bastillas to be honest

Bastilla: I knew you had a affinity for the force after how you used the force to snap Brejik throat how incredibly odd

Jaden: you mean I could become a jedi

Bastilla: possibly but that's the councils decision

Their was a loud knock at the door I immediately unsheathed my twin vibro blades and approached the doorway to see a twelich

Jaden: what do you want

Twelich: a man named canadarus ordo told me to tell you to meet him at the cantina In the upper city

Jaden: thanks for the messege

We made our way towards the cantina were we saw canadarus sitting waiting for us

Canadarus: your the one who won the swoop race I'm impressed

Jaden: I hear you wanted to see me

Canadarus: I know what's about to happen the sith are going to bombard the planet to hopefully kill your jedi friend in the chaos but I have a way off the planet

Jaden: such as

Canadarus: davk has a ship called the Ebon Hawk it'll get us past the blockade all we need are the sith security codes

Jaden: and how will we accomplish this

Canadarus: davk already thought of that theirs a Astromech Droid that can unlock the base doors all you need to do is it up

Bastilla: this is foolish their has got to be a better way

Canadarus: your just mad you didn't think of it first

Bastilla: I am not

Jaden: you totally are princess Canadarus I'll see you when I get the security codes

Canadarus: alright I'll see you soon

I knew that things were about to get very interesting I couldn't wait to see what happens next may force guide me to my true destiny

End of chapter 10 visions of the past and the meeting with canadarus ordo

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