chapter 12 daviks estate and escaping taris on the ebon hawk

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Jaden pov

We walked up to davik who believed we wanted to work for him Canadarus explained everything to davik

Davik: so your the swoop rider who won the swoop race

Jaden: yup that's me

Kalo Nord: your not one too have partners Canderus your going soft

Canderus: careful Kalo Nord you maybe be the newest Kath hound In the pack but your not top dog yet

Davik: calm down both of you i won't have my best men killing eachother its bad for business

Jaden: when will I join the exchange

Davik: I'll do thiero back ground checks you stay here in my mansion for the next three days once that is done I'll leave you now I have a couple rules don't bother the other guests or their will be conquences

Jaden: I look forward to working with you Davik

Davik exited the room and we all made our way towards a doorway were we heard screams of pain we quickly opened the doorway and battle droids charged at us we quickly dealt with them and released the man in the energy cage

???: thanks for the save I was the Ebon Hawk pilot before Davik me locked away I was able to download the key to the Ebon Hawk here you take it it'll be more useful to you than me

We see Darth Malak standing on his flagship when admirel carrus approached him

Admiral Carrus: our men have not found any trace of Bastilla my lord

Darth Malek: then destroy the entire planet we can't have Bastilla escaping the planet

Admiral Carrus: but my lord our men are still on the planet

Darth Malak: do as I command Admiral Carrus

Admiral Carrus: as you command lord Malak

We see Jaden and all his companions running into the hanger that held the Ebon Hawk davik gave them a angered expression

Davik: damn those sith they'll bring the building down on our heads oh what you thought you could steal my ship nu huh sorry Kalo deal with them

Kalo: I've been waiting a long time for this Canadarus

Then Suddenly the roof fell in crushing davik and Kalo we ran into the Ebon Hawk we picked up our companions and we flew past the sith armada and jumped into hyperspace

Jaden: any Ideas were we should go next

Bastilla: we need to go to danntonie it's a place sacred to the jedi we should be safe their we must inform the jedi council on everything that had transpired

Carth: danntonie here we come

I felt a strange sense of dejvu on going to danntonie and I didn't know why I didn't think I ever went their before but I feeling I'd been their a very long way ago the force was leading me down a all to familar path I wondered what would happen to me next only time will tell

End of chapter 12 daviks estate and escaping taris on the ebon hawk

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