chapter 31 into the tomb of ajunta pall and retrieving ajunta palls blade

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Jaden pov

I walked into the wastes of korriban when my new friend Dustal approached me from the shadows with a group of sith apprentices especially Lasha

Jaden: what's up Dustal

Dustal: Jaden I came up with a plan to help us progress in the ranks of the sith

Jaden: oh really what did you have in mind Dustal

Dustal: we go to ajunta pall tomb and retrieve his sword

Jaden: but who gets to give the blade to master Uthur

Lasha: it won't be any of you

Dustal: we can discuss this later we have a tomb to rob

We quickly made our way into the tomb we were attacked by sith creatures we began to get overwhelmed we ran towards the nearest doorway I watched as Lasha was pulled into the shadows as the doorway swung shut as she gave one final scream before going silent

Sith Apprentice 1: no Lasha is gone Jaden why didn't you save her

Jaden: their was nothing I could do

Dustal: theirs no time to mourne we have to keep moving

Sith Apprentice 1: yeah whatever you have to tell yourself Dustal

We made our way further into the tomb Dustal noticed sith hounds crawling on the walls

Jaden: I have a bad feeling about this

Dustal: Jaden go get the sword me and him will hold off these freaks of nature

I quickly made my way into the tomb and the doorway slammed shut I was about to open the sarcophagus when ajunta pall appeared before me

Ajunta Pall: why do you interrupt my slumber

Jaden: I need your sword I've come to claim it

Ajunta Pall: for centuries my blade has slumbered in the dark waiting for someone to claim it

Jaden: yeah I'm that person I wish to claim it

Ajunta Pall: you are very familiar to me who are you

Jaden: I was once Darth Revan I need your blade so I can stop my old Apprentice Darth Malak

Ajunta Pall: very well but first tell me is the light side of the force worth it

Jaden: in a way yeah why do you ask

Ajunta Pall: I wish to move on from my tomb and find peace

Jaden: no one is beyond Redemption

Ajunta Pall: thank you for everything jedi

Ajunta Pall spirit was finally free and had moved on to a brighter future I made my way towards the entrance of the tomb and made my way into the sith academy

I bowed down before master Uthur and handed him the blade he gave me a sly smile

Uthur: ah the blade of Ajunta Pall very well done young sith it would seem that you are ready for your final trial

Uthara: get some rest Jaden your going to need it

I made my way towards my quarters to see Dustal very much alive

Dustal: you took all the glory for yourself some friend you are

Jaden: I'm sorry Dustal but I have something to do on korriban

Dustal: whatever you have to tell yourself Jaden

He walked off leaving me alone in the middle of the hallway I walked into my quarters and layed down and instantly fell asleep

End of chapter 31 into the tomb of ajunta pall and retrieving the blade of ajunta pall

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