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We eventually made our way to the Neibolt house and saw Bill, clearly ready to go inside.

"Bill! Wait," I told him loudly.

"Bill, you can't go in there," Beverly told him.

"This is crazy," Richie told him.

"Look, you don't have to come with me. But what happens when another Georgie goes missing? Or another Betty or another Ed Corcoran, or one of us? Are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this town? Because I can't. I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals, but... he isn't. So walking into this house, for me, is easier than walking into my own," Bill said.

"Wow," Richie said.


"He didn't stutter once."

I decided to walk towards the stairs behind Bill, determined to find Georgie too. He was great, even in the short time I knew him.

"Wait! Shouldn't we have some people keep watch? You know, just in case something bad happens?"

"Wh—Who wants to stay out here," Bill asked. Most of the group rose their hands.

"How about we draw sticks?"

In the end, Richie & Eddie were the ones who had the shortest sticks. I still went in with them, determined to find something that could lead to Georgie.

"I can't believe I pulled the short straw," Richie complained.

"Well then maybe Eddie can protect you," I told him, grinning.

"Oh no! I'm not doing that," Eddie said, upset.

"I'm not that bad Eddie spaghetti," Richie said and Eddie just rolled his eyes.

"I can smell it," Eddie said.

"Don't breathe through your mouth." Richie joked.


"Because then you're eating it," Richie told him, making Eddie gag. Richie ended up walking towards something after his comment and I looked over.

It was a piece of paper that was wrinkled and looked old. He turned pale and seemed to start freaking out. "It- it says I'm missing!"

"You're not missing," Bill told him and walked over to him.

"Police department! City of Derry! That's my shirt! That's my hair! That's my face!"

"Calm down, this isn't real!"

"That's my name! That's my age! That's the date!"

"I-It can't be real, Richie," Bill told him then threw the paper away from them.

"No! It says it! What the fuck?! Am I gonna go missing!"

Bill grabbed both of Richie's hands to try and help him calm down, "calm down, c-calm down. Look at me, Richie. Look at me. Th-that isn't real. It's playing t-tricks on you."

I walked over and looked at Richie, "Richie, you'll be okay. We'll stick together, okay?"

"Okay," he said and then took a deep breath.

"Hello," we heard a voice say from upstairs. We looked up towards the stairs and heard it again. "Help me please."

We slowly walked up the stairs, hearing it creek with each step. When we got to the floor, we saw an open door. A brunette girl lying on the floor inside the room. It was Betty Ripsom. She started coughing, wheezing. We stood, staring at her in shock.

Missing What's You(Bill Denbrough x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now