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"Lukas.. please make this work okay? It's your last chance."
I glanced up at my caseworker and bit back a snort.
"Yeah.. I know." I responded as sarcastically as I could.

Truth is, my caseworker was amazing. She made sure I had a Christmas, every year. Made sure I got to stay in dance even with everything going on. If this placement did work out, which I know it won't. But if it did, I'd miss her. A lot.
I let out a deep breath as she rang the doorbell to what was about to be my new, but temporary home. I took in my surroundings and started picking at my wrist, it was beautiful. I could tell this Markel man had money.
"You must be Lukas? Come in" I jumped back completely startled by a voice I've never heard breaking me out of my train of thought.
"I'll go get da- I mean Blaylen. One second" the same boy said as he took off up the stairs.
My eyes followed him as he disappeared. He was beautiful. He had super curly hair, it was blue in the back and the rest was jet black, it was up in a messy bun which probably meant he hated getting his hair done. His body was just as perfect, but I could tell based on the clothes he had on he had some sort of eating disorder. I could spot my issues in other people a mile away, I glanced up as he bounced back down the stairs he had on a sweatshirt, solid black, with pajama pants on.
"I'm Blaylen. Kel is in a meeting right now but he'll be in to meet you and everything later on, you can call me Blake. I'll show you to your room."
I froze when Blake started speaking. He sounded so familiar. I just can't place where I know him from.
We stopped on the second floor as I noticed the boy who opened the door was latched on to Blake's arm. I didn't say anything, but it seemed odd.

Isn't this some kind of rehab home? Why is he holding on to another patient..

"This is your room. Once you unpack and stuff we can go to whatever stores you like to get you some decoration-"
"Daddy! They just dropped the new season of My Hero Academia!" The boy who answered the door completely interrupted Blake.
He immediately turned to me and my caseworker, locked his ipad and hid behind Blake. "M-sorry" he mumbled out.
Blake chuckled and pulled the boy infront of him.
"This, as I'm sure you've met him and he didn't introduce himself, is Amir. Baby say hi."


I watched as Amir turned a deeper shade of red and waved at me and my caseworker, he turned and put his head in Blake's side clearly embarrassed.

What a weird dynamic .. and did he call him daddy? He can't be his dad...

"As I was saying, once you unpack. Come back downstairs, I'll give you a tour and we can head out alright?"
I nodded, I took in Blaylen's appearance and felt that being a jerk wasn't smart. He had jet black hair too, it was in two French braids, extremely neat French braids, he had a edge up, his nose was pierced, he had on black joggers, ugg houseshoes and a black muscle shirt, he was completely covered in tattoos.. but what got my attention the most was the tattoo on his forearm, it was Amir's face.
He offered me a knowing smirk as he picked up the duffle bag my caseworker was holding for me.
"If you'd like to go over the legal things we can do so in my office" Blaylen said to my caseworker as he placed my bag down on the bed

Office ..? Ok so maybe Blake isn't a patient ?

She nodded and followed them out the door. I opened my bag and started to unpack as my mind went into deep thought -

So this was home then huh..?
And what was up with Blaylen and Amir.. he watches anime so that's cool..
But what did he mean when he said daddy..?

I was shook out of my thoughts when my room door opened, it was my caseworker.
She had a folder in her hand as she walked up to hug me.
"You have my number kiddo. Call me if you need me"
I hugged her back and nodded, "Will do."
With that, she was out the door.

I only had a few items so it didn't take long to unpack. I took out my journal and hid it in the closet on the top shelf. Took out the only sweats I owned , and a few tshirts and slid them in the dresser along with my socks and boxers.
I didn't feel like going shopping for decoration and stuff. I knew they'd get rid of me sooner or later. I took my hair out of the messy ponytail it was in and pulled my sweats off , I placed my dirty clothes back in my duffle bag and crawled under the covers of the bed they already had in the room. Without to much thought, I was asleep within minutes.

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