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Lucy wakes up and sees Tim sitting beside her.
"What's going on?" Lucy asks, worried.
"Baby, the robber pushed you and you broke your wrist really bad, you had to get surgery and a cast. I told them to do a purple one. I know it's your favorite color." Tim says, looking her in the eyes full of love.
" Thanks babe come here." She pats next to her and moves over so Tim can sit with her. She lays her head on Tim's shoulder and holds his hand.
" Tim, my head hurts." She tells him with pain in her voice.
" I know, I'm sorry. The doctor said you have a minor concussion. He said the babies were fine and you just have to take it easy for the next couple days and we can go home tomorrow." Tim goes out to get food for them and when he gets back him and Lucy eat and watch a movie.
" Tim can you call Ange and see if Tam can stay over? I don't want her by herself." Lucy asks.
" yeah! I'm sure it'll be okay!" Tim says and calls Angela. Tamara goes over and Tim and Lucy just spend time together. The next morning the doctor woke up Lucy and told her they were ready to go. Lucy had about a month long recovery before she could go back to work. On the drive home Lucy had fallen asleep due to the pain medication. When they got to Lucy's apartment Tim walked to her side, kissed her head and carried her inside into bed. When Lucy woke up, she took a shower and changed into gray sweatpants and one of Tim's shirts. She walked out to the living room and jumped on Tim and hugged him.
"Feeling better darling?" He asked after kissing her.
"Yes!" She says
" Okay, what if while I make us some dinner you find us the perfect house to live in?" He suggests.
" Okay!" She exclaims. Tim had finished making steaks and veggies and Lucy found the perfect house for their growing family. After they ate they watched Mamma Mia per Lucy's request and called the realtor. They had agreed to buy the house and would move in in a few weeks. Lucy Tim and Tamara were all super excited about the move. To celebrate they ate ice cream and had a game night, and then they all went to bed

A/N sorry for the short chapters! it's kinda hard to put a lot of detail especially in these chapters in the beginning. hopefully the next few will be better!

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