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July 27th, 2022

Madeline's pov

Milo- Miloooo 🙃
Madeline- Maddie 👽

Maddie 👽
Are you awake?

Sorry to text you so early
I just really need to
get this out and idk
I just thought of you

We've been filming
for less than a month
now and I know I said it's
been really lowkey but
today was actual literal fucking hell

Miloooo 🙃
What happened?

Maddie 👽
Can I call you?

Miloooo 🙃
Of course

I quickly hit the FaceTime button and he immediately picked up. "Are you ok?" His voice was deeper than usual and his eyes were half shut so he must have just woke up. "Maddie?" "God it's just so awful Milo! I tried to just ignore it but everything is so wrong" he sat up in his bed and yawned "what's wrong?" "It's like none of the writers every heard of the Addams family before! They're changing everything and they're trying to put her into a love triangle not to mention I've been working 14 hour days plus 4 hours of lessons and I feel so... so... I dunno how to say it".

"Maddie, Maddie don't cry" I wiped my tears but more flowed down "first of all learning an instrument is really hard you should be proud of yourself! Second I know it's hard but you're the main character! Tell the writers that you know Wednesday better than them and you don't like the script" I continued crying and Milo just kept telling me that I was doing great.

Part of me knew he was right and I should be proud of my work but I wasn't. "I just don't want to disappoint anyone. Especially not fans of the Addams Family" Milo gave me a smile "improve never killed anyone" I chuckled and wiped my face again. "Maddie I've seen you act before, you are really good at what you do. I can tell you put your everything into every character. You should be proud of yourself and you have every right to complain. If you don't like the direction of the show change it".

"Thanks Milo I really needed that. I don't wanna sound unappreciative because I know that I'm very fortunate I just hate that they're ruining such a beloved character. I studied Wednesday and just the entire Addams Family really hard and I know what they're doing is incorrect! I want to look back on my work and be proud of it. Right now I don't feel proud".

"I'm proud of you" he smiled at me and I felt like I was going to melt right then and there and I finally smiled back "if it makes you feel any better you're a pretty crier" "I wish you were here" I wasn't sure if I was allowed to say things like that but it slipped out of my mouth. "Same" neither one of us said anything else so I finally laid down under my blankets. "Will you wait till I fall asleep?" Milo laid back down in his bed.

"I'm going back to bed" I laughed "how do you ever get anything done if all you do is sleep?" Milo sighed "goodnight Maddie".

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