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August 4th, 2022

Madeline's pov
It's been 3 days since Milo arrived and whenever I have free time we usually hang around with the cast so we're never really alone but tonight everyone conveniently had plans that we were invited too. I like hanging with Milo but being alone with him in the same room?

He suggested we watch our favorite Disney movies staring with Tangled and of course I said yes but movies are awkward. We're going to be sitting in the dark next to each other eating from the same popcorn box it's just all too much. "Hey Maddie?" I peeked from above the couch to see Milo holding a trey with a smile on his face. I like him but am I ready to date him?

"Yea?" "Can get the movie ready?" I smiled awkwardly and turned away "yeah, yeah" I grabbed the remote from the coffee table just as he set the trey down in its place before plopping down next to me. I quickly pressed play and leaned against the couch slightly a turned away from him. Honestly I've never really dated before I was always too busy or I just wasn't all that interested but he's sitting here and we like each other.

So why am I still so scared?

Milo grabbed the popcorn bowl and set it between us. I wrapped my arms around my legs which were bound against my chest which prompted Milo to finally speak up. "Maddie are you ok? You've been acting weird all night" just as Mother Knows Best started playing I faced him fully.

"Yeha I'm just not hungry" he cocked his head to the side not believing me "come on Maddie you can tell me" I sighed and started stuffing my face with popcorn. It was extra buttery just how I liked it. I remember we had a movie snack conversation like the first week we started talking.

I looked over at the trey to see Tapito and I smiled "you remembered" I told him popcorn & Tapito was my holy grail the second day we ever talked. He remembered. "I remember mostly everything you tell me" I felt like I was going to throw up but like in a good way.

I finally looked up to meet him in the eyes to see he was already staring at me which made my face heat up. "Maddie I don't want to ma—

I quickly cut him off with a kiss. I pulled away before he had the chance to kiss back. I kept my eyes closed refusing to open them. "Maddie open your eyes" "I can't" "you have to" I shook my head no and I heard him sigh. I felt like something was right in front of my face and then I was being pushed. Not hard he was pushing me into the couch. "Madeline open your eyes"

I opened them slowly to see him above me. "I like you too" I smiled and he leaned closer "can I kiss you?" I smiled and nodded. Our lips touched and I knew instantly this is what I wanted. I reached up to his face pulling him closer and I felt his hands rest on my waist. God he's driving me crazy

"We're baaaaackkk" Milo lifted up off of me and I lifted up quickly as Emma, Ethan, Hunter, and Joy were staring at us with a smile "oh my god" they said in union. "Oh no" Milo quickly stood up and I flattened my hair "we weren't doing anything we were just— "yeha well we brought dinner" I looked over at Milo and he winked which made me go even redder if that was even possible.

Milomanheim: WE BLESSED! Catch me in SCHOOL SPIRITS ☠️ 95,937 Likes  2,948 Comments

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Milomanheim: WE BLESSED! Catch me in SCHOOL SPIRITS ☠️
95,937 Likes 2,948 Comments

user: that's cool and all but are you still with Maddie?

user: yeha yeha im so proud now are you still with Maddie? 🤔

user: someone please tell me about Maddie and Milo!! Are they dating?

madelinecastillo: I will be sat in my bed binging 😩
milomanheim: you've gotta get yourself under control sweetie 😙
madelinecastillo: oh trust me baby this is me under control 🥰
user: BABY?!!! HONEY?!!!! they HAVE to be dating


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