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December 6th, 2022

Madeline's pov
"No go heavier" my makeup artist looked at me like I was crazy "just like make the black closer to my creases, I want the look to be very noticeable" she nodded and continued adding more black to my eyes. "What do you think?" "Looney come closer to me I can't move" she did as I asked and did a little spin.

"It's cute I love it" she did a little dance and went over to Diego to get her hair done. "Maddie check it" I looked in the mirror and smiled "it's perfect let me go get my dress on. Mi can you come with me" not even a split second later he was next to me. I laughed as he picked me up and we went into the bathroom.

"I'm really proud of you Maddie" I smiled against his chest and he slowly put me down. I stripped myself and Milo handed me the dress before turning around. Why would he turn around? I felt my heart beat faster as I grabbed his hand "you know you don't have to turn around... I'm your girlfriend" Milo slowly turned towards me and I smiled at him my heart slowing down.

I got on my tiptoes and kissed him on the mouth. Milo's hands gripped my waist while my hands were hold his jawline. We pulled apart and I smiled "damn Wendy is going to be pissed, I messed up your lipstick" I laughed at him "I have something for you later" he raised his eyebrows but I just turned away from him and put my dress on "zip me please".

Milo zipped me up and we walked out of the bathroom and pillow hit me "freaks" Millie said before going back to texting on her phone. "Madeline I'm going to beat you— "I know, I know" I sat back down in my chair and she redid my lips.

I grabbed Milo's hand as we walked towards the carpet. I waited off the carpet and Emma walked over to me. "MADDIE!" I hugged her and she kissed my cheek before we pulled away "Emma this is my boyfriend Milo, Milo this is my my good friend Emma" they shook hands and then we were led onto the carpet.

We stood around posing for a while before heading inside to watch the first episode. Milo, Luna, Millie, and I sat in the front as we waited for the show to begin. "Hey Mads?" I turned to face Milo an she had a smile on his face "I just want you to know I'm so proud of you. You deserve all the beautiful things in life and I know you gave Wednesday your all despite not really agreeing with the script".

I leaned my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me "I love you Milo" he kissed my forehead before whispering back to me "I love you more". We leaned on one another as the episode began to play.

When it was over I went over to Ethan, Hunter and Emma and I joined their conversation. "Maddie were thinking of going out to dinner, you down?" Ethan asked me almost immediately. I thought about saying yes since I missed them but then I remembered Milo "I actually have something to do after this" Emma groaned and hugged me "ugh why Maddie whyyy" I laughed and kissed her forehead "you'll all still be in town tomorrow right?"

The three of them nodded "ok perfect can we plan to hangout tomorrow before y'all leave?" Hunter rolled his eyes "fine but don't think we like you" I stared at him keeping my eyes open and lowered my eyes "I wouldn't dream of anyone liking me, in fact I prefer when people dislike me" Hunter laughed and picked me up spinning me in a circle twice.

Luna walked over to us with Millie "hey Maddie congratulations" I hugged them and Mille held my hand. "Luna, Mills this is Hunter, Ethan, and Emma" I said pointing them out "guys this is my little sister Luna and my best friend Amelia" they waved to one another "hi nice to meet you".

"Hey Maddie, McKenna asked if I could come over, Millie said she would drop me off can I go?" I looked at Luna and narrowed my eyes "did you finish that homework assignment? Your English tea—

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