Prologue - "Bacterium."

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Location:Alyth Corporation Facility, Undisclosed Location.

World:Multiverse of Wattpadia.

Time and Date: 8 PM, Sept 2, 2050.



The scene appears to be at the facility belonged to the Alyth Corporation.. a pharmaceutical company now trying to develop a cure for the newly discovered bacterium disease..

Scientists and staffs were doing research and science stuff..

But what their main work they are focusing is studying and finding a cure for the newly discovered bacterium..

Alyth Head Scientist#1:"commencing experiment to study further with the unspecified bacterium.. bring in patient-zero and some test subjects we picked from prisons of the multiverse of wattpadia."

The guards began transporting two crucial subjects into the chamber.

The other guards had brought the test subjects which had their face covered in bags, with their hands and foot cuffed..

Alyth Head Scientist#1:"excellent.. now that we have patient-zero inside the chamber throw uncuff them and take their bags off from them.. then throw them in."

The guards began taking off the the bags covering their face and then uncuffed them before throwing them inside the chamber..

The blast door slowly closes behind them...

The prisone- I mean test subjects stood up and prepared for the worst.. as the the darkness.. a red tinted eyes was shown.. it began to sprint towards them and tackled one test subject onto the ground before mauling the poor subject and biting a chunk of flesh from his wrist...

It turned it's attention to others then began attacking the 2nd test subject..

The last one was running for his life and then began banging on the blast door.. begging for his life to be set free and live..


the last test subject was finally attacked and killed by this red eyed primally pure aggressive monster that was a human before..

Their screams were heard in the chamber and so does snarling and aggressive screaming of the patient-zero infected.

The researchers were observing their cruel experiment... The three dead bodies of test subjects began to shake uncontrollably on the floor.

Their eyes opened again but this time.. instead of their eye colors they were tinted red eyes like patient-zero.. they were turned into the infected..

The infected saw the staffs and researchers through the window and then began sprinting towards it and bang on the window..

Most of the staff and scientists were terrified and horrified of the sudden scene.. but the head scientist on the other hand.. was fascinated about this bacterium that patient-zero has and the infected test subjects...

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