Chapter 8 - "Contingency"

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Location: the entirety of Wattpadia multiverse.

World:Multiverse of Wattpadia.

Time and Date: 1:00 PM, Jan 20, 2051.

Male Y/n Council God#1


The scene appears to be at Wattpadia Readers United Dimensions..

They were on faction meeting as the news on the Safezone Sector-107 has been breach and other multiple sectors also, by the infected.

MDC commanders, Y/ns, Union Headmasters, Faction leaders..

Ozina(Female Ozpin):"any updates on James Ironwood?"

G&K Commander:"well we put him on a time out monitoring for his actions and suggestions that are far unconventional and unethical on the multiversal situation we're facing right now.."

Female Y/n Council God#4:"and is he still on his own authority"

G&K Commander:"well we've put his Atlas military on stand down.. can't believe that man has gone far too arrogant that everything dangerous he sees is a weaponized opportunity against Salem and the other evil forces on this multiverse."

Male Y/n Council God#2:"and speaking of them.. any news on them?"

Female Dokutah:"I've sent scout operators to Ursus, Lungmen and Chernobog.. seems like they're having a hard time doing their movement goals due to this hellish event.. they've been facing red eye attacks left to right, night to day and earlier to later.."

Male Y/n Council God#2:"as for Sangvis Ferri, KCCO and Paradeus?"

G&K Commander:"we've sent 404 squad to scout itnout.. they haven't gave any news, still they're alive though which is I'm glad of.."

Male Y/n Council God#2:"so the only unaffected area would be Penacony, Belobog and Xianzhou Luofu.."

Y/n#573:"well what about teyvat?"

Female Y/n Council God#6:"well.. Mondstadt has been greatly affected.. thankfully the knights of Favonius evacuated safely.. at the cost of two lesser and tragic sacrifices.. Inazuma is facing lockdown, Snezhnaya is now compromised as infected, Sumeru is going isolated to all foreigners, and Fontaine... still unaware about what's happening.."

PGR Commandant:"so, about the affected areas.. what should we do about it?"

Y/n#583:"just bomb the area, there are no organic matter alive in there anymore right? They've been turned red eyed.."

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