Chapter 1 - "Chaos at Emeraldine"

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Location: Emeraldine Police Station, Emeraldine Town.

World:Multiverse of Wattpadia.

Time and Date: 8 PM, Sept 3, 2050.

"Chaos at Emeraldine."


Hours later he arrived at the station to work on his shift.

He was greeted by his colleagues in the station as some of them began going home and other staying in overnight for the long shift..

Eric:"hey there Henry! how's your sleep?"

Henry:"not much,I managed to sleep like damn 5 hours at day.."

Cpt.Goodman:"good to see you again Henry, we got another break in situation at Emeraldine Town Residence area for you and Eric to dispatch."

Henry:"can do will do sir."

Eric:"you got it boss!"

Cpt.Goodman:"good, now get it done."

Both:"yes sir!"

They all got up and get their gear for another dispatch..

Not knowing that dispatch is the last of it will be deployed after witnessing what horrifying scene of events happening inside the house and then the Emeraldine Town Residence area..


Police sirens stopped wailing as they arrive at the location..

They get out of the car and then got their G17's and Flashlights on their hands.

Eric:"Emeraldine Police Department, anyone there?"

Eric signaled Henry to split up and go upstairs to check each separate areas alone..

Eric goes to check the kitchen.. he noticed the ruckus and then blood all over the area..

He saw a body now shaking violently and vomiting blood out from the victim's mouth..

Unbeknownst to him there was a figure standing behind him across the small hallway and then it ran towards them and then..

The scene cuts to Henry's investigation on the upstairs now interrupted when a loud gunshot was heard downstairs then followed by silence..

Henry:"Eric, You good down there?"

There was no response.. he radioed to officer Eric once again..

Henry:"Eric? You good there?"

Henry:"better not fuck around again Eric.. God damnit.."

He slowly proceed downstairs with his G17 and flashlight on his hands..

As he step foot downstairs he can hear flesh tearing and growling on the kitchen..

He ran towards the kitchen to see.. a strange person.. eating Eric.. dead on the floor..

He was horrified to see tis and then aimed the pistol at the strange person..

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