Chapter 4 - "Teyvat"

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Location: City of Mondstadt, Teyvat.

World:Multiverse of Wattpadia.

Time and Date: 12 AM, Sept 6, 2050.



The scene appears to be at Mondstadt, Teyvat.

Everything was normal, people were doing their daily lives, guards and knights of favonius were patrolling around the kingdom.

Mondstadt Guard#136:"man.. I am so bored right now.. I wonder what will happen next.."

Mondstadt Guard#233:"maybe try to flirt with the Genshin girls again?"

Mondstadt Guard#136:"well I'm going to stop you right there with the flirting on the Genshin girls thing.. they have simps.."

Mondstadt Guard#233:"oh..I mean if they have simps why not try it?-"

Then a thrown spore cluster landed on them which hit them and then..they inhaled the spore cloud.. which killing them slowly as they cough out blood

The other guards were alert and then readied their weapons on what comes next..

The gates had been breached by the hordes of infected

The guards tried to fight back but they were overwhelmed by the sheer number of the infected horde

The citizens panicked and then began to ran inside their homes.. but that didn't work as the infected breached down the doors and windows and then mauled them to death

The knights of favonius had arrived at the scene and they were horrified and in disbelief..

Amber:"w-what's going on...?"

Mondstadt Guard#183:"there are many monsters breaching inside the kingdom! They have red eyes and bloodstains all over their clothes-"

One infected pounced towards the guard and then began to maul to death and eating her alive.

This horrifies Amber and then she tries to fight them off using her bow.

One infected pinned her to the ground trying to bite her but was shot in the head by a rifle.

She turns around to see a citizen wielding a Winchester Model 70.

The citizen fired another shot from her rifle killing another infected.

She cocked the bolt of her rifle and then fired another shot onto the infected guard.

Meanwhile at the Council of Wattpadia..

News Reporter:"Breaking news! The red eyed entities had arrived at Teyvat, Mondstadt. Chaos I'd happening right now as the  red eyed entities have been sighted.. attacking and infecting innocent lives as we see. the death toll is still increasing right now, the military and the MDC are on their way to contain this chaotic situation."

Y/n#1:"so Mondstadt has been affected too.."

Y/n#2:"we need to act immediately, we can't just stand here and do nothing!"

Baelz:"relax, the MDC and Military are on their way.."

Y/n#2:"then what about the origins of this situation?"

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