Chapter 2 - "Checkpoint Overrun"

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Location: Military Checkpoint, Sapphire County.

World:Multiverse of Wattpadia.

Time and Date: 8 PM, Sept 4, 2050.

"Checkpoint Overrun."


The scene appears to be at the Sapphire County, where a military bypass checkpoint was placed there after the events of Emeraldine Town.

The military, hazmat team, medical personnel and the police were all working together to check the civilians who evacuated from the town for any infections

At the overpass by the checkpoint there were cops stationed there

Everything was normal until gunfire was heard within the tunnels.. which alerted them.

The civilians and citizens were panicking as they are here, which began stampeding though the checkpoint and onto the trucks.. some of the military soldiers, police tried to keep the situation calm for them

Military Soldier#264:"they are here, get ready!"

Two humvees mounted with machine guns had arrived at the overpass by the checkpoint

The military and police were also there with their guns ready for what is about to come out of the tunnel

One quadrupedal infected leaped out of the tunnel and then it screeched out loud before crawling rapidly towards the checkpoint..

One police shot the quadrupedal infected down with her pistol.

Then the horde came out of the tunnel which the first wave of police units began firing their shotguns and pistols at the hordes of infected.

Some of the infected go down easily by the police units

There were three infected.. who had exposed bloats on their belly.. which some of the police were confused about this new infected..

The bloaters threw their spore clusters at the first wave of police units which bombarded them with thrown spore clusters

Some of them were hit.. other ducked and took cover or covered their head from being hit by the spore clusters

The infected horde had overwhelmed the police units and then swarmed them..

Police#123:"AAAAAAHHHHH!! HELP!!"

The infected horde began sprinting towards the military soldiers who were ready to shoot them down with their military firepower against the hordes of infected

The police units were turned and infected, they began to sprint towards the military soldiers

Military Soldier#462:"open fire!"

The soldiers with machine guns mounted on the Humvee were loaded and then began to fire devastating firepower at the infected.. killing and popping their heads off..

The military fired their rifles and auto shotguns at the infected to help the machine gun operators on killing and defeating the horde

The three bloaters threw their spore clusters at the military which hit some of them.. but they weren't affected by the spores as they were wearing gas masks, they threw back grenades as a response before returning to shooting down infected with their rifles

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