Chapter 6 - "Infection"

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Location: the entirety of the multiverse.

World:Multiverse of Wattpadia.

Time and Date: 1 AM, Dec 5, 2050.



The scene appears to be at the border of the safezone..the civilians were standing the roads, some of them were inside their vehicles.. waiting to be checked for any infection or contact with the Rage Bacterium.

One of them started coughing violently and her eyes started to fade into red..completely red..before falling and collapsing to the ground..

This made other citizens and civilians fear for their lives as the military sprang into action.

Soldier#174:"code red! Code red! Civilians have been found to have contracted with the Rage! Terminating all possible civilians, infected or not!"

The civilian got up again and then revealed her infected features to them.. she snarled aggressively and then began lunging towards the military soldier and began mauling him and biting him

Chaos and panic started to brew up as the soldiers began firing their guns at any civilians.. infected or not.

Other civilians began to feel similar symptoms and became infected with the contagious disease

Desperate radio chatter was also heard in the scene drowned in by panic crowd screams,infected snarling and gunshots.

The infected began attacking civilians too.. but most of them were attacking the soldiers and breached the border... They have reached the zone and the area is deemed no longer safe


A convoy had arrived at the council with a special package..which was caged infected which is also restrained and chained in a very secured device

Lots of Vtubers, Multiverse characters, OCs and even readers(the y/n brothers and sisters) looking at the caged infected as it tries it attempts to break out from its restraints while being transferred to the research and study development area section

Then once the caged infected was placed on the right spot, they began to conduct a study, research and trying to find out what's so special about this contagious bacterium disease that turns innocent lives into mindless rage monsters

Timeskip, 1 day later..

After hours of studying and research.. they've discovered something about this disease..

Researcher#1:"holy shit.."

Scientist#1:"what is it?"

Researcher:#1:"we're very wrong about this newcomer disease..we've treating this like Oripathy or an ELID.. but we were very... VERY wrong about this.. even the y/ns had been treating this as a low threat disease.."

Virologist#1:"the pathogen is... Too complicated to understand but.. we know a bit of its.. traits.."

As they were looking at the analysis display monitor..

Researcher#1:"this isn't a virus or oripathy that we usually encounter daily.. this is something new.."

Scientist#2:"can we just get to the point? instead of saying tHIs vIrUs iS nEw tO tHiS mUltiVerSe~!"

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