Chapter 7 - "多宇宙の疫病"

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Location: the entirety of the multiverse.

World:Multiverse of Wattpadia.

Time and Date: 5 AM, Dec 6, 2050.

(Multiversal Plague)


"May the readers and characters save us through this carnal hell unleashed upon this Wattpadia multiverse.."

- unfortunate civilian before turned-infected.


The scene appears to be the safezone now breached by the infected..

Military soldiers were holding off the hordes of red eyed infected..

There were also multiverse characters helping out the military too.. from Rhodes Island operators.. to G&K T-Dolls and Union Students..even y/ns of the council were stationed there..

Civilians and citizens were running for their lives.. trying not to get caught in the crossfire or even worse.. getting infected..

Multiverse Soldier#462:"where's our support?!"

Radio:"they're on their way.. try to hold them off.."

Multiverse Soldier#462:"there's too many of them.. and I don't think heavy reinforcements from Y/n council, Rhodes Island, G&K and others would help.. we need aerial support!!"

Radio:"negative.. civilians are on the area."

Multiverse Soldier#462:"God damnit how will the reinforcements would help?!"

Y/n "Arx" L/n:"would you rather see civilians die from friendly fire when they try to escape while we hold those bozos off?"

Multiverse Soldier#462:"would you rather see them infected then?"

Arx shot the incoming military infected and sprinters with his RPK.

Rhodes Island operators began fighting off infected with weapons and arts, T-Dolls of G&K began shooting them down.. Union students using their weapons and semblance and quirks to combat the infected..

It was a carnal holdout.. there were also casualties and infections aswell.. soldiers being turned and also civilians who were unfortunate enough to be caught by the infected.

Then an incoming spore cluster made them uncoordinated with the holdout as they struggle to breathe through the spore cloud.. then an armored juggernaut infected came charging through the horde and crashed through a Rhodes Island operator.. killing her instantly..


More Military soldiers began coming in the scene and one of them were bringing in rocket launchers to combat the juggernaut infected..

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