Chapter 3 - "Multiverse"

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Location: Fox-Oil Gas Station, Outskirts of Emeraldine Town.

World:Multiverse of Wattpadia.

Time and Date: 8 PM, Sept 5, 2050.



The vehicle ran out of gas.. but luckily they're at a small town on the outskirts of emeraldine.

They saw the gas station which were littered with dead bodies around the place.

Henry:"wanna come with me?"

Medic:"s-sure.. I don't want to die inside the vehicle anyway.."

They both head inside the gas station which everything was messy.. shelves being tumbled around and falling onto one another... Blood splattered around the cash register area and walls..even the freezer aswell..

There was a dead infected store clerk and dead sheriff officer by the aisle.

He picked up the Colt Python from the dead sheriff and then the rifle which was the Winchester Model 1892..

Henry found the ammunition for both the Colt python revolver and the rifle.

They went outside to see there were infected.. sprinting towards them.. a small horde of them.

They readied their weapons but the commotion was interrupted by a machine gun firing.

The infected were showered by bullets and all of them dropped dead on the ground..

???:"so that's why those red eyes are being so excited about on the gas station.."


Henry:"never knew that a scavenger would get her hands on an M60 light machine gun."

???:"oh please, I'm a survivor.. also I just found this on a dead soldier by the Sapphire County military checkpoint.."

???:"so...any plans to get the heck outta here?"

Medic:"we just need to get this thing some fuel and we're out."

???:"huh, fair enough.."

The new survivor began killing off infected while the two began fueling the vehicle with gasoline.

She ran out of ammo for her M60 and one bolter leaped towards her, but she kicked the down on the ground and then fed it with lead by her TP9SFX.

Henry:"gonna reload?"

???:"I could some time right now!"

He quickly got his Winchester Model 1892 and then shot down incoming infected.. covering the new survivor on reloading her M60.

Once she finishes reloading her light machine gun she then show down incoming infected, helping Henry on defending themselves while fueling the vehicle.

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