Ch. 1

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The misted forest for the first five years living in it was the most magical place. You always felt like a magical creature living in the environment. The only downside was the fact that there were no other animals or creatures around. . . Just you, and your thoughts. . .


Now the only issue was after being locked up in your house for about twenty-three years, you completely forgot which way your past self ran from. You felt as if you have been walking for hours upon hours in that forest. You looked into your [Fav. Color] bag to grab some water when you randomly found a map in the bag as well. . . "How did that get in there? I don't remember ever having a map in the first place?" You thought as you took the map out and looked at it.

The map looked just as old but untouched as the other paper only it had a map of where you were standing and what looks to be the way out. You started to walk around looking at the map only to see the pictures move to exactly where you were and how to get out. Out of terror, you threw the paper to the ground standing there with shivers down your spine. Waiting for a good 5 minutes, you wanted to test something. You walked backwards until you couldn't see the piece of paper anymore and looked in your bag. It wasn't there. You sigh in relief that you were only being paranoid until you put your bag over your shoulders and looked down.

There it was. . .

Still as old as time. . .
Yet still looked untouched. . .

Freaking out even more, your body activated flight mode. You ran into the forest, praying that the map would go away or the wind blew it there or something normal happened.

Oh how wrong you were. . .








About twenty minutes later, you sat against a tree and grabbed your jug of water to quench your thirst. Putting the jug back in your bag, you rested on the root of the tree panting your heart out. Checking the ground one last time to see if the paper was around you. It wasn't there. Relieved of the situation finally ending, you got up looking back at the tree. There it was, nailed to the tree but this time it had writing above the map. . .

"Please take this map, you will not be able to leave without it. Just be known that you have been warned already what happens to one that leaves the misted forest."

"Did it mean the other paper in my bag?" You thought as you ripped the map off the nail. When you ripped the map off, the tear started to fix itself? It then had its original look the first time you saw it, no writing, no tear, clean. It looked like you had no choice, if you didn't take the map, it was bound to follow you.

Following the map made the adventure a lot easier. The map knowing exactly where you were and an arrow pointing in the direction you had to go. Even if you wanted to turn another direction, the map would make sure it had an arrow of the side you were supposed to go to. 


About three hours later, you were running out of water and this forest felt endless. The only thing that made you keep hope was the fact you heard talking coming from beyond the mist. Staying on track, you were so into the map you ran straight into something. Looking up at it, it looked to be a huge door. You looked back at the map, then back at the door, then back to the map. It said that freedom from the forest was beyond this door. . .

Writing appeared on the map once more. . .
"If you wish to pass, you must remember what was on the piece of paper that we warned you about leaving with."

You looked back into your bag to find the piece of paper still there. You read the words out loud. "Those who leave the mist shall be altered in ways they may not be able to come back from."

With a click, the door slowly started to open revealing a bright light that your eyes had to adjust to. Shielding your eyes for a good minute, you finally adjusted to the light that came from the door.

Stepping outside, your first observation was the difference in the shade of the grass. Knowing how the grass in the forest was a dark gloomy green, the grass here was a vibrant healthy green! You then looked up at the sky to see something you have never seen before. . . clouds wasn't it? Yes! Clouds! Clouds on a wonderful blue shaded sky! Before you could fully walk outside the door, you heard the door speak to you.

"Are you sure you wish to leave? You may risk having your reality of the world altered."

Slightly scared, you stood your ground anyway knowing that this door must have been protecting you for all these years.

"Yes. I've wanted to know more about this world I live in for years now. Nothing will change my mind now."

You said. The door then stated something you wrote down in one of your notebook just in case.

"Just know that you may use the map at all times to come back if the world scares you enough to go back into hiding."

You nodded as you took your first step into the grass and into the colorful world around you. . .

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