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Akutagawa woke up to a doctor poking and prodding at him, seeming to enjoy how his face twisted in pain. The person seemed to be Mori, but the light made it hard to tell. Once the person moved away from him, it was clear it was Doctor Yosano. She continued examining, not minding the pain she might be causing.

"I get it." His voice came out dry again; the mafioso wondered if it was a side effect of the medicine. It wouldn't surprise him.

"Oh, you're awake. Apologies." She wasn't sorry. "Dazai wanted me to check on you, however I don't like you." She sighed. "I am still a Doctor and you're still a patient."

"Why don't you just ask the boss to look me over."

"Because Dazai asked me and he doesn't do that."

Akutagawa looked away from the good doctor. His mind supplied the word, 'Friends.' He looked at the white sheets that covered his body, giving him warmth. 'Dazai didn't have any friends.'

"Your health is abysmal." She said Yosano had noticed his cough during the viewing. It didn't sound right, but now, looking him over, it was clear the cough was not a good sign.

"I'm aware."

"Are you on any medicine?"

"Doctor, if this is not about the current issue just leave it."

She narrowed her eyes, annoyed that she couldn't do anything else without pushing the Mafioso. Yosano grabbed a needle and a bottle of morphine. Akutagawa eyes her wearily; he doesn't like doctors. Mori gave him creeps when he took up the needle, but he was a component. He couldn't be sure that this doctor was that, but it seemed that she and Mori had a history. Further, Mori viewed the good doctor in a positive light. He closed his eyes, letting her go about her inspections.

He noted her gentleness as Yosano went about everything, checking on his injuries. Her gloved hands using a stethoscope, listen to his lungs. It was uncomfortable to touch without Rashomon.

"I don't need a doctor for that." He growled; she wasn't letting it go. The good doctor let out a huff in annoyance.

"Fine." pulling away from the other's body. "Well, you just need sleep and once you're off the drip I will give you some pills."

He narrowed his eyes at the woman as she gently picked up the cat that landed on top of the kid, placing him down on the ground. The cat trotted over to the other bed next to the kid and laid down on it. The good doctor was already going through the same ritual she had with him. However, Akutagawa noticed small things in her care of the weretiger that wasn't there for him. They both sat in the quiet that was present in the room. The door opened to the great detective holding lots of snacks. The older looked remorseful as he looked on at the weretiger's body. He looked better than he had this whole time of being here.

"How long do you think he will be out?" Yosano asked her senior.

He raises his glasses and puts them on; there is a pause before he responds. "He should come through by the end of the day."

Yosano hmmed in acknowledgment, tilted her head to the older, and eyed the snacks pile. Guessing where her head was, he answered the unasked question. "I brought snacks he would like, for when he wakes up."

All she could do was smile.

Akutagawa and the cat got a front-row seat to the display of care. The mafioso found himself scowling at the touching display. Yosano barely knew Atsushi; all of them barely knew the kid, but all of them seemed fond of him.

"What is it about Atsushi that makes you both so..." Akutagawa trailed off, two sets of eyes on his person.

"It's just Atsushi." said Yosano, not really sure when the fondness had occurred. The detective continued for her.

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