Ep 8: Kitty Cat, the Assassin, and the voice on the phone, Part 4

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Atsushi struggled to stay upright. He felt helpless as he looked at the young girl and her ability. 'I can't win. It's impossible. Is this the end?' From the corner of his eye, he sights the other passengers watching the scene behind him.

'All these people are in danger and all because... They had the misfortune of being on the same train as me.'

Akutagawa's voice rang in his head as his words were written on the screen. 'That is your karma, Weretiger.'

"I'm telling you Akutagawa lives rent free in your head." said Tachihara.

Atsushi couldn't help but agree with this current situation; getting the mad dog out of his head was even harder. The mafioso made him furious, but if he attacked now, the careful balance that both groups maintained would be destroyed, creating a bloodbath. The weretiger let out a sigh in frustration as he laid in pain on the theater floor.

The scene changed to the alley in episode three. 'Your life is bound to cause only misfortune to those around you.'

It changes again to Atsushi in front of the faceless staff at the orphanage. "Get Out You Good For Nothing!" A masculine voice.

The white hair boy stares up in shock;

Atsushi, out of the corner of his eye, views his thoughts being showcased in front of his friends, his family, his enemies. As he watched, he wondered what the point of this was again and what it was...that was so important because right now, it felt like someone twisted a fantasy of torturing the people he cared about.

The screen froze on two adults whose faces' were cast in blue and purple shadows.

"Umm... We were watching that?!" Exclaimed Tachihara.

"Maybe, screen bro, want to give us a break." said Kenji.

"When have they ever cared about our comfort?" said Naomi.

"I don't maybe–"

Many in theater engage in the argument of their own comfort being locked in the in-between. Atsushi, still laying on the ground, wondered if he was responsible for the pause. His thoughts on not wanting this to continue.

"We are trying to get this part over with." said Kunikida, growing more annoyed with the situation by the second.

"Maybe we should look for the remote," said Haruno, getting up from her seat, her cat tailing behind her. Many agreed and decided to look as well.

Dazai, not electing to join in, lends into Atsushi's ear. "Hey, can you stand?"

"Yeah, still dizzy but yeah."

"Okay, let's get you upright." Dazai locked his arm in Atsushi's and steered him to the theater doors.

The light turned on and Kunikida standing up from looking under the chair caught Dazai dragging Atsushi out.

"Where are you two going?"

Dazai turned back to his partner, "I decided I would pach Atsushi up."

Kunikida sighed, and waved them off but before the two could make their exit. Mori rose from his seat and joined the group. Dazai eyed the Doctor.

"You're coming with us, Doctor Mori?" Atsushi questioned.

"Well, I am a Doctor." He said with a smirk that reminded him of Dazai's signature grin.

"I can do his treatment myself."

"Oh, I am aware, however I am sure even you would have difficulty finding all the supplies."

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