A Doctor's Visit

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Chuuya followed after the good doctor carrying the Tanizaki siblings, his boss trailing behind them with his right arm supporting Higuchi's middle. Doctor Yosano opened the door to the infirmary and walked into the room with medical cabinets full of supplies attached to off-white walls. The executive closed the door and remained by it as he placed the two siblings on their own beds. Mori released Higuchi onto her own bed to find the necessary supplies. The two doctors started to survey the room and began to pull out the needed supplies to better help their patients. Chuuya watched as he leaned against the door. The infirmary was simple, with four beds, each with its own curtains on the right side. The left side had cabinets which Chuuya assumed were filled with medical supplies. A glass window looking out into a foggy void stood out against the pale white walls across from the entrance door. The redhead also noticed another door on the right, most likely for more intensive care.

He felt the eyes of the older Tanizaki on him. He was quite surprised that anyone within that agency outside of Dazai could pull off murderous intent. A part of him wanted Tanizaki to try his luck; however, the more emotional side understood the anger directed at him was not really for him. No, Tanizaki was unable to direct his anger at Dazai, which left him no choice but to stare down Chuuya, the man that forcibly removed him from the theater. It brought a wicked grin to the executive's face as he eyed the college student. There was a slight recognition on the boy's face, but even that didn't stop Junichiro. Their eyes remained locked on each other's crosshairs until the younger doctor steered the boy's face to her person, having already finished her treatment of the younger sibling, who was now unconscious on her bed. Chuuya felt the headache he was nursing growing into a full forced migraine.

His vibrant blue eyes gravitated to his boss and subordinate. He felt uncomfortable watching Mori's hands gently provide medical treatment, but as he looked closer, his eyes screamed a sadistic curiosity. It remained him of the times Dazai couldn't patch him up to which Mori, out of the kindness of his heart, treated him. It sent a shiver down his spine. As he observed his boss, the redhead focused on the man's eyes which occasionally glanced over to the younger doctor. The older of the group sighed, seeming disappointed to find nothing abnormal about Higuchi's person. He turned in his exam chair, the seat squeaking from his weight.

"Akiko," He said. The good doctor turned abruptly to the mafia boss, frustration lined her eyebrows. "has your patient exhibit any abnormalities?"

"...No, but I am not looking for that right now." The younger doctor seemed annoyed by the use of her first name.

"Well, you never know..." he hmmed in thought, then stated. "If you want, I can go get the weretiger for you." In an all too eager tone with a smile that cut his cheekbones.

She turned to him fully. "That will not be necessary Doctor Mori."

For a moment, the two stared at one another. Both wearing neutral expressions, the others within the room felt the growing hostility.

"I understand, Doctor Yosano." Directly into her eyes, he was accepted but not resigning. Doctor Yosano didn't want to be alone with him. He turned away from the woman doctor to Higuchi. "Well, I have not seen anything that concern me. However, I suggestion to suck on this lodging," He pulled a cough drop from his right pocket. "and to not talk for a bit. You can rest here for as long as you need." Mori removed the blue plastic gloves that covered his hands. Then walked to the trashcan behind the counter and threw away the disposable tools.

"If you do not need my assistance, I will take my leave." He proclaimed to the room.

Doctor Yosano only nodded in response to the statement, letting out a subtle breath. The executive watched the whole interaction with curiosity. as Chuuya watched, he was reminded of how the boss would talk to Dazai. All of his words not meaning what he said, the award-winning smile that didn't match his face. The way he wore a now neutral expression. And the certainty that he would bend his mentee to his will by the end of the exchange. Mori began to walk towards him. The redhead detangled himself and opened the door for Mori. The raven-haired man gave him a nod as he closed the door, now with Mori on the other side.

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