Ep 12: The best part of "Believe" Is the lie, Final

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"If we're to believe that girl's words, you'll forget every time you go through that door. You won't remember your friends being in danger, leaving you completely vulnerable. Let me teach you something,"

"How good of a teacher do you think Mori is?" asked Haruno.

"I don't think you wanna go down this road," said Ranpo.

Haruno sighed, but continued, "Dazai, you were his apprentice, was he a good teacher?"

"He doesn't like Mori," Tanizaki whispered afraid of the bomb that was about to go off.

"You think liking someone has anything to do with being a good teacher. The people I learned the most from I have the most complicated relationship with, hatred, love. Do you think the opposite of love is hatred? No, it's indifferent. You don't think about them or want them ten feet below." Tachihara imparted, and there was a pause.

"Mori is a terrible teacher," Dazai finally opened his month both of his apprentice zeroed in on their mentor. "but maybe someone could gain something from his continuous rambling."

"So, there is something to learn," Atsushi sounding almost hopeful.

"There's always something, something to learn even if the source is someone as unsavory, traitorous, and callus as one Mori Ougai," the man in question chuckled at the insults thrown his way.


"Using game theory, the optimal strategy is to launch a totally counteroffensive, catching your opponent by surprise, then you crush the enemy."

"I don't think I can do it,"

"Oh, but Atsushi, you already have," Mori murmured to himself.

"Arrogant opponent likely to make the biggest mistake," Lucy is shown smiling, allowing the man to convince Atsushi to continue the game.

'Arrogance, that was Akutagawa downfall in his need to prove his superiority he let it take over,' Chuuya thought. 'Pride will be the death of us all.'

"And if I heard correctly those friends of yours behind that door," the man look at the door before look at Atsushi to make his point. "Didn't they work to find you when you were kidnapped?" The man looked directly at the kid.

'The boss can make a blind man see,' Higuchi thought.

'That's right, they all saved me,' Atsushi raised from his place on the ground. The man still holds the string on one end while Atsushi holds the other side.

'That's right Atsushi stand up. There is no one here to save you except yourself,' Dazai smiled up at the screen.

"I think it's time for me to make my move,"

"We can't live in our mistake," Kunikida said under his breath.

"Agreed," Dazai answered back catching Kunikida off guard.

"Yes," the man let go of his end. "I think that's your best option,"

"She really enjoys her cheap tricks," and Kouyou was living for it. She didn't care about any of them and why should she the only thing, the only one of there little agency that matter was Kyouka.

"There's two,"

"Well, there's two of you!"

"Ranpo?" Yosano asked in concern.

"Oh, Shit!" now captured and pulled to the black door via the door hands.

"Give it a moment," was the great detective's response.

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