Cat, Tiger, Old Man

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The polish of the floor below him was the first thing that came to mind. Next were tailored black shoes that registered as Dazai's. He was met with the lazy smile of Dazai, and further back, both groups were staring back at him. He quickly rose from his position with a bit of embarrassment, having the vaguest idea of what happened.

"Dude you turned into a tiger and started to cause mayhem," Tanizaki said nervously. Atsushi deadpanned at that, 'This was just what I needed.'

Naomi nodded next to him aggressively, then said, "Yeah, it was so cute. You were jumping around with Mii hanging from your mouth."

The information mortified Atsushi, but the train continued as Kenji, with eyes full of stars, exclaimed, "The transformation was amazing."

"I was kind of hoping you and Chuuya were going to fight." said Hirusto for Gin. "Maybe, he would crush you with gravity,"

"You dropped me again, didn't you," Atsushi side-eyed his mentor, who tried to look innocent.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Dazai replied with a toothy grin. A low hiss came out of the now-human tiger.

"I did let you fall though," The detective stated.

Atsushi clicked his tongue. His eyes widened as something dawned on him. He looked around for the other cat until he spotted him next to Chuuya, who seemed disoriented. He rushed over to the other cat and picked him up to check his physical well-being. Haruno watched the display as a small smile crossed her face. Her cat was a human that she was sure of. However, he had always been such a good cat, loving and caring, always in tune with her emotions. But the truth was in front of her in this place, and hopefully, soon, she would finally meet her cat. She found herself replaying every moment, every second.

The night she met Mii was a cold night after such a long day at the agency. The cases seemed to pile up on her, and Haruno was trying her best to make sense of it all. It just felt like she was drowning. The thing is that she had come to realize that she had no life outside the agency; being the president's secretary was a demanding and all-consuming job. And there was no room for anything else. Haruno heard a meow from the alleyway she passed by. There he was, so cute and barely standing. She walked further into the dark to the furball. She found him outside a bar. His eyes stared up at her. There was nothing in them that screamed that he needed her assistance. But she was cold.

"Hey kitty,"

There was no response but a deadeye stare.

"Are you cold?" Haruno asked the cat, who seemed to come closer to her.

"I am too?" She pulled the cat to herself; it was that she was missing something she could take care of.

"I'm cold too," The cat meows in response, seemingly agreeing with her. They sat there for a while, and eventually, she stood up.

"You want to come home with me," She got the cutest meow in response, making her features glow. Slowly, she picked up the cat. The cat purred and nuzzled into her body. It was warm. They both started on their way home.

She loved him. And she knew that Mii meant no harm to her family. She was content with knowing that simple truth because Mii was her family, too.

"Let's take a few minutes for all of us to collect ourselves and meet back in thirty." said Fukuzawa.

Many of the audience agreed by exiting the theater to go about their break. Haruno made her way out to her own room. It was smaller than the rooms she had seen, but it was just her and Mii-chan. It felt like something was coming. The more she watched, the more she worried for the president and the other members of the agency. It felt violating to be in people's heads to see their thoughts and experiences, especially Atsushi. She didn't think he knew what he was signing up for, but there were not many safe places for ability users. A meow broke her thoughts as she saw Mii slide past the slightly shut door. She went to the door and closed it. The soft fur of her cat, rubbing himself against her leg. Haruno scooped him into her arms and placed him on the bed.

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