Ep 8: Kitty Cat, the Assassin, and the voice on the phone, Part 3

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I got a nice comment so here another chapter. ———-

As the dust clears, the man who hijacked the train walks over, "I'd like to bid you a warm welcome! And an unfortunately sad goodbye as well." The camera pans over Yosano, lying in a heap.

She rises to her feet.

"Well, well," she hisses through gritted teeth, "We got a real celebrity here, don't we?"

"Quips will make the pain go away," said Tachihara.

"It always worked for me." Chuuya Agreed.

"Stop trying to be cool. No one is buying." Dazai said mockingly.

"Still alive?" he teases back, "What a surprise! Women are so resilient these days!"

"First off, women have always been resilient, asshole. Read a history book sometime. Secondly, Yosano was just built differently. We at the agency are built differently. Third, what is wrong with you all this for a tiger."

"Sorry." Atsushi kept his head down. It was his fault.

"That's not what I meant, Atsushi." She sighed, regret coating her voice. "I just think it is ridiculous to cause all this pain. I mean come on you guys are wrapping innocent people into this."

"That's the point, love. We cause pain so that they give in." said Kouyou. "You might not like it but we are the Port Mafia. If your job is to keep getting up then our job is to keep knocking you done. Inevitably, one of us will fall on the sword but we are not there yet."

"Plus, we wouldn't have to do this if he didnt work at the agency which is directly Dazai's fault."

Her body shakes with the pain of her injuries, "Women have always been resilient. In my opinion, it's more surprising to find a wanted criminal like you here," her head snaps up, passion in her eyes, "Motojiro Kajii!"

Kajii grins ferally back at her.

Yosano continues, "Despite the secrecy of the Port Mafia, you're rather famous! Responsible for that bombing incident that killed 23 civilians!"

"Yeah, I guess he does do a lot of noticeable work."

"I find his work to be distasteful. I will always love a good hunter knife." said Hirustu, reading off of Gin's notes. Gin, for their part, was putting down his notebook and pulling out their knives to sharpen.

"That truly was a wonderful day!" gushes Kajii, turning his back to her, "Neural hypoxia, the sudden slowing of the pulse, lactic acid doses! DEATH IS A GLORIOUS SYMPHONY OF TRANSFORMATION! Finally silenced by the big sleep!"

His grin gets tighter as Yosano speaks, "Death is just an experiment, huh?"

"God and death are the ultimate forms of science," replies Kajii.

Mori sighed at his subordinate's statement. He wasn't quite fond of Kajii's thoughts on death and his need to experiment with the process of death. As a doctor, Mori always felt something from his work. Mori always tried to save his patient unless other incentives were at play. However, he wouldn't pretend that it was more ego than the satisfaction of saving a life.

"That's why we are so drawn to them. To know what it is that makes us tick!" He lifts another lemon up, "Now then, can you describe the color of your blood?"

"Umm... red why?" said Haruni, slightly concerned.

"Yeah, mine's red too." Agreeing Gin via Hirustu.

"That's the only color it would be." said Tanizaki.

"Well, Dazai's might be different with all the drugs he does." said Ranpo with a slight laugh.

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