Ep 9: The Man in Black, Part 4

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Atsushi couldn't say anything. A sound piercing the gentle music as the screen cuts to the typing screen. " Executed?" Akutagawa's voice cuts through the air, muddying the peace that was created.

Kyouka focuses back on Atsushi as red dyes the theater from the entrance of her tormentor. Atsushi is hunching over himself. His hands clawed at the wound. The nauseous feeling of Rashmon's claws in his chest was driving him up a wall. The fourteen-year-old rubbed a circle over his back. She compelled herself to look up at that man's face as he made his point.

"We wouldn't execute you, not after fulfilling your mission."

Atsushi's blood spills to the ground as the mad dog lifts him higher.

Dazai looked on at the little show Akagawa was putting on. He wondered if getting the tiger to the drop-off point was enough. He sighed; the boy's need for the dramatics was unnecessary.

Almost on cue, a massive amount of cars pull up around them, just as Akutagawa planned. However, the cars block the other civilian cars from approaching the scene. The police that were inside the nearby station begin to move towards the situation, but the Port Mafia gunmen drive them off.

Kyouka looked away again and just focused on Atsushi who seemed about to pass out.

Kyouka stumbles forward, bunny forgotten as Akutagawa stares down at her coldly, his voice mocking, "I finally got the plushie I wanted!..."

"Seems like he's been taking Dazai's mocking 101 class." said Kouyou, "You must be so proud." Anger lacing her words.

Dazai just crossed his legs in response. It wasn't that he didn't see it. However, this was always the boy's problem.

She falls to her knees. Atsushi's blood drips onto Kyouka's face.

Something was horrifying in the way it was playing out. It was cruel to have the girl a witness to someone she cared about being impaled by her tormentor.

Atsushi was going in and out of consciousness. The only thing keeping him conscious was the anger that burned in his gut. Maybe it wasn't anger, it could've been the gaping hole in his chest. All he knew was the need to punch that asshole in the face grew by each second he clenched his chest. He looked on through hooded eyes as Akutagawa continued.

Akutagawa states indefinitely, "A transmitter is implanted inside your body. Your whereabouts and every action you make are known to us."

"Ummm.... What the fuck." said Naomi.

It never gets better with the mafia, just worse so much worse. The vile feeling of liquid coming up his throat prevented him from voicing any of his thoughts. He felt like he was floating.

The agency members kept their thoughts to themselves for fear of being unable to stop the anger from spilling over. The president looked over at the head of the mafia, his grip tightening on the katana. He took a breath. Everyone could feel it. The tightrope they all had been walking on vanished under their feet.

Another vehicle pulls up, a semi-truck, much bigger than the others. The doors open with a clang and Rashomon chucks Atsushi's limp body inside the back of it.

Atsushi let out a hiss. He wanted to vomit. It all hurt but there was a positive. Finally, they were in the future. He closed his eyes. Whatever happens next can be stopped; those who will die can be saved and mistakes unwritten.

Finally, getting the weretiger in a cage. Akutagawa leans in close to Kyouka, grabbing the top of her head with a vicious force, so hard it makes her wince.

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