I call it magic (when i'm with you)

114 1 0

Ship: yootaekook, minjoon, 2seok

Author: achillvs

Word Count: 52,995

Genre: hp crossover, romance, fluff, magic


jeongguk stares anxiously at the wall between platforms nine and ten. he's supposed to run into it? that doesn't seem very sensible. his parents don't seem very reassured, either, which isn't exactly making him feel any less nervous about this whole thing. maybe he should just stay at home instead and go to a normal, non-magical school instead of going all the way to scotland.

jeongguk is nervous, and doesn't really want to run at full speed into what looks like a solid wall, but—


it's something which has turned his entire life upside down. it's real, and he has it.

My Thoughts:

I will be honest, it has been a long while since I last read this fic...but I do remember loving it when I read it (or else I would not have saved it). I just saw a comment on here about someone wanting an hp x bts crossover, and I just knew I had something saved somewhere and viola found this bad boy. 

This fic again has lonely baby Kookie who is introduced to a new world of magic and how the older members take him into their fold and just shower him with love. I just absolutely love found family fics and if you share my love for it, then definitely would give this a read. I would say that this focuses more on their building relationship than any outside plot. This isn't some great big action/adventure type fic, it is really zeroed in on Kookie and him learning about this new world, dealing with the shit in his life, find love and a family, and his budding relationship with Yoongi and Taehyung. Which also....yootaekook, that is such a rare pairing that I honestly don't even think that's the right abbreviation for them, but we are going with it. 

Anyways, this was a cute fic, and it is a relatively short read. I got it all done in one sitting, and was looking for more cause it was so cute. Definitely recommend if you are looking for something more light to read. 

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16937178/chapters/39797460

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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